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"Death dealers are vampires fighting elite for almost six centuries?" Amazed and slightly curious about death dealers, I flip again the next page of the book that I've been reading for half an hour. Jen and I are both sitting in one of the table here in the library.
She's sitting in front of me fixing her slightly faded makeup.

"Don't read that! It will just bring you to more curiosity." She commented while raising her one eyebrow. I already told her about my strange encounter with Miss Amylie here in the library four days ago but she's not surprised anymore which I think she don't also believe what that old granny told me.

"I can't help it, Jen." I looked down at the picture on the next page of the book. It was a black colored drawing of two men. One has wings like an angel while the other has a devil-like feature.

"I know. But if you really want to know more about death dealers, why can't you just ask the librarian." Jen suggested. Well, she can be of help but I find her personality strange especially her stares and the words that comes out from her mouth.

"You know, she may seems unusual but she's actually kind." She commented again. Her lips pressed a tight line and I could tell that she really like her new applied makeup.

"Really?.." I asked. She nod at me putting the finishing touches on her face.

"When can I ask her for some chitchats, Jen?" I asked again. She gently put her things on the table and look at me while grinning before answering my question.

"Tell me, Ivana. Is she my mother?" She said, smiling sarcastically.

"Seriously speaking, you can approach her anytime you wanted, my dear." She added and started putting her things to her bag.

"See you!" Jen said bidding her goodbye to me. She still have one class to go, so I don't have any other choice but to stay here in the library alone. Turning my attention to the book that I've been reading, I continue examining the other drawings pasted on it.

I can see a woman on it lying at a large stone I guess, with her loose hair cascading on her naked body. But what I find a little interesting on the drawings is the same date and words written on the daggers blade that Miss Amylie told me. The name and date was written on the woman's limbs. Based on the book, the meaning of the word pont neuf is new bridge.

So the meaning behind those Italian words Pont Neuf is 'New Bridge'?

New bridge? Who is exactly the new bridge, me, the dagger or maybe someone else?

What is behind this date- 330 C.E.?

Oh god! What's really gotten to me? Why I became so serious about this kind of weird stuff?

Seconds later, I decided to close the book. The title is actually about immortals and other sort of things and creatures that science can't hardly explain. I keep my things away from the table and leave out in my table.

I don't see the old librarian here today. There's someone who care to look for the whole library and I think they are just an assistant librarian. Two of them are wearing the same shirts while the other one is wearing a plain long sleeve.

As I walk through the large entrance slash exit, I saw in my peripheral vision that they were sternly looking at me. Oh come on! Did I snatch some book from the shelves for them to look at me like that?

I awkwardly continue walking until I finally get out from the library. Weird stuff and weird people are starting to appear in my stay here. Am I too old to believe to things like immortals? I'm twenty-six and I think it's kind of normal for me to heard strange things like that especially that in my country there's also some nocturnal creatures that envelopes people's fear. We call it 'aswang' and in our native tounge, we call it 'mga kampon ng dilim'.

But I can say that things look different here. There is this guy who suddenly give some interest in me, the old librarian who seems to be a foreteller, then there is Jen who I easily get along. And to add some goosebumps in my body system, there exist a mysterious dagger and a word-of-mouth from its current holder- Miss Amylie that put some more curiosity in my head and maybe, just maybe I will become crazy if I would keep thinking about it.

I stop at the faculty room and as I seat on my designated table, I hurriedly get my record book inside my bag to put some updates. I was busy writing when a loud siren suddenly make a noise in the whole academy. My co-teachers started to panic and fears painted on their faces. Different voices vibrated inside the faculty room and some shout with anxiety. My God! What's happening?

Feeling out of place and puzzled, I immediately get and keep my things inside my bag. The main door was full of tight figures racing to get out. I stay calm though my hands and feet are already trembling. Where's Jen? Where is...

A loud bang was heard at the ceiling of the room. It seems like someone get a hard shot. Some ladies started to cry whild others are cursing out of nervous. I was keeping my mouth silent and praying soundlessly. What's really happening here? The bones inside my body feel cold as everyone beside me cry out loud while mumbling some words that give me a whole chill.

"T-They're here.."

"They will kill us!"

"I don't want to die!!!"

Scared and panting with fear, I get my phone and dial the number to call in the police station. It tooks seconds before a female voice of an officer answered but I drop my phone as someone behind me started to act crazy like a bitten zombie. My eyes literally circled in shocked. God! It feels like I was in a horror movie set and a zombie will devour me without notice. I immediately hide myself under the table. I was tiny so it made me easy to compact myself below it. Tears started to drop in my bare face. I never imagined this moment.

I was hoping that all of this was just a bad dream and that someone would wake me up later. I close my eyes and let my teardrops flow without hesitation. The noise around me gets louder and scared voices envelopes the room. The siren keeps on reflexing erection of hairs in my skin. I suddenly think about my parents and the youngers siblings who look up to me.

God! If I die today, can someone tell my family that I already have a boyfriend and his the director of this fucking-scary academy!

D.D. (Devil's Dagger)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon