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"Well how do we do this?" A man taller than the blonde one, approached the group
"We need to find where Haechan run off and Jungwoo hyung" another man said. He has small face, small lips and a contagious smile.
"Can we just go home?" Another man said

The demons are having a hard time well they aren't like the people on states that has many desires, these people is soft and innocent. Well on the other hand they don't need exactly the same desire to be one with their victim. But it'll be harder if they have different outlook. They need someone with desire, anything.

"No Taeil. We need to find our members" the tall man said
"Well it's your fault so call them" the man that has pride's tattoo said.
"I said I'm sorry!" The tall man shouted.

Again, wrath tried to control him and this time he succeed. The tall man showed a glow of red eyes and got his tattoo with wrath on his collar bone but no one saw it, wrath glow his eyes again showing that he in fact succeed on controling the tall man, named Johnny.

"Hey Johnny don't be like we'll find them" the blonde guy said. But Wrath being dumb didn't look back.
"Hey Johnny" the blonde guy said again, but he didn't look back and walked straight to the street.

A honk was heard and an angry man is shouting, words being unknown to the demon inside the human. Wrath being wrath showed the man his devil's eyes. Red burning as if you are being burnt. The man look at it and went on to drive. Ofcourse he knew it was a demon. He can't be wrong, why would a normal person have red glowing eyes?

"Johnny! Are you okay?" The blonde one asked as he checks his friend for any injuries.
"What is happening to you? Are you okay bro?" The other man with small lips asked as he taps his shoulder
"I- I don't know I was really out of it" the man said.

They need to move, but Greed and Lust hasn't shown any interest to anyone. They are clueless because what if they can't find Envy? What if they can't go back to normal?

"Hey I found Jungwoo hyung!" A high pitched voice echoed through out the busy street gaining an unneccessary attention from the people around.

Girls forming a big circle trapping the group of men. Shouting to get an autograph, and flashing their mobile phones snapping photos of the said group. It was really hard for the group to escape and the demons took this to just grab any shadow they don't care about who they'll be connecting with. But Lust was being dodge the moment a guy run the same as him. A man with blue hair, somewhere between his 20's too, shouting..

"Guys! Here" the blue hair man shouted as he tries to grab his friends.

"Lust!" Greed shouted as he saw Lust squished between bodies.

Yes it was quite crucial for them to be squished because they may be a demon but they are weak when they're not in their true form. When they stay too long on earth. And Envy isn't helping for not showing himself too. Greed just snatched a shadow among the crowded circle and munched on it as fast as he could, he succeeded he got the body, he mark it with his tattoo, eyes glowing with yellow.

"Mark!" A shout was heard. Yep, Greed consume almost the whole human form of his victim and he collapse, feeling lightheaded and squished around.

"Hey that's enough!" A police officer said trying to calm the girls who already squished the the group. Another police officer helped until the crowd got smaller and smaller and the group is left out.
"Are you okay? Hey do you hear me kiddo?" The police officer tried to shake the fallen man.

"Ugh.." it groans
"Are you hurt?" The police asked
"My head hurts.. what happened?" He asked but realization falls unto him like a bucket of ice and he lost his consciousness.

7 Deadly SinsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant