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"Where did he go" Satan asked himself

"Where do you think you're going" Is Satan's last words to Levi before the demon disappeared.

He is supposed to die. I already made him weak how did he escaped me. Satan is pacing back and fort to get an answer but he seems to not get it. I should start getting the sacrifices down. This time I will make sure no one will escape. One by one I will get them.

*I'll come back*

Wait a minute, where do I find that kid again. Satan looked at a binding bracelet in his wrist. He tried to cut it and break it but he didn't have enough strength the bind is really strong. Satan is the devil everyone is scared about but he is not that smart because of his indecisive nature and mischief ambitions.

"I better ask Bolverk what can I do about this" Satan thought to him self.
"Satan" Pride called
"Pride?" Satan asked not sure why one of the prince showed in front of him.

They' are not really close nor have faced for so long that's why he isn't sure about the demon's motive.

"I need to ask you something" Pride said but kept his distance
"What is it? And how do you know I'm here?" Satan ask
"I don't know I just followed your smell" Pride answered
"So your question?" Satan asked immediately
"So I was wondering how you remember your past" Pride answered
"Huh? Well it happens basically like your memories runs towards you" Satan answered and gave Pride a dirty look

All demons are not allowed to have their memories back. Just the bad one to atleast repent. They are not allowed to have it unless they've paid for their sins.

"And?" Pride asked again
"It will happen in a story like where it will be cut into the most simple ways. Anyways I'm busy so I need to go" Satan said and disappear

Pride is speechless. He never saw Satan busy. He was left out. But suddenly a thought come up with him.

"I have to ask Bolverk" he whisper to himself and quickly went to hell. He was in front of the gate but he can't have access. One guard approach him.

"Lord Bilial"
"Ah may I ask where Bolverk is?" He asked
"He went out. With prince Leviathan" the guard answered
"Ah thank you" he said and went back to Doyoung's body.

He tries to sniff Levi's smell but it was nowhere to be found. He decided to get back to the house, but there's a different smell.

"Satan?!" He said
"Bilial?" Satan called out.

Pride saw the kids enter the room.

"Hyung?" Jisung called out
"I think they're not here" Chenle said and was about to get out of the room when Satan approach him but Chenle walked past right him.
"What!" Satan said but he notice a kid looking straight at him.

"You can see me!" Satan spoke Pride just watch in horror as Satan approached Jisung.

Jisung suddenly drop into his knees and curling up, his head hurts so much that he is crying in pain.

"Are you one of the sacrifice" Satan asked but Jisung didn't have time to speak.
"I will just take you" Satan said and was about to struck his sword at Jisung's heart when Pride suddenly run and make himself as shield so Jisung wont be cut.
"Bilial!" Satan shouted

It is known to hell that one of the weakness Satan has is that his sword can't get near the 7 sins blood as it carries thousands of sins that it will make the sword heavier unlike Lucifers sword.

"You cannot hurt this kid" Pride said even though she's having a hard time standing up.
"You'll be dead" Satan said and ready to stuck his sword when suddenly the front door opened and the bracelet he is wearing become heavy. He flee as he felt his power were draining the shit out of him.

7 Deadly SinsWhere stories live. Discover now