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It all started when Pride take a look outside of Doyoung's eyes. It was overwhelming for him as he sees a lot of people before him not knowing what to do, he started to feel nervous as if he knew what will happen. He started to feel nauseous, space becoming small as if he is being trapped. He is confused for once, why is he feeling like this? He has no clue but he wanted to stay out of this place. The problem is he can't. He can't come out, it's like he was taped beside Doyoung who also lost all his senses. Student were laughing at him, laughing at the thought that he was older and way past behind of his school terms. For once, Pride felt small, he felt vulnerable. Purple smoke started to cloud his sight. He started to fell weak.

[I wanted to help you but]

Pride didn't finished his words. He just vanished. He can't really put his fingers to what is happening. He sees vivid memories of a young boy being proud of himself. Pride realize he was outside of the school.

[Seoul University School of Business] Pride read the words written on the side of the school's gate. He look around to see if anybody could atleast feel him but nothing. So he started to teleport on the first place he saw in his memory.

It was in the school's lavatory. There was a kid who are boasting about getting on an audition. Pride watched as if he was seeing himself. Someone entered the lavatory and he approached the young kid who were telling about what he did. He punched him and tear the paper the kid was holding. Everyone was shocked, even Pride himself. Before he could even react, the place were change. It was in a lobby of some building, lots of kids were falling in line according to their numbers. He saw again the young man getting on the line, but it's not the only thing he notice. He look around to see some familiar faces. He keeps on looking around until one particular face was seen..

[No fucking way] Pride said but again, before he even say something the place were change. It was a dark place, small and smelly. He needs to atleast use his senses to know his exact place but someone open the door and he saw that someone was shoved inside, before the door was closed Pride manage to get out.

"That's what you deserve!" The kid said and left the begging kid locked up in the janitor's closet.
"HELP! Somebody HELP!" The kid were shouting

Pride felt sorry so he tried to open the door but he can't. The kid kept shouting until it was dark. Pride knew it was night and the kid stopped shouting about an hour ago. He tried to open the door once again but all he could do was shake it. He heard the kid whimpered. Maybe it's cold, maybe he is scared. Pride tried to think of a way how he could help the kid. But he is a demon, it is not allowed by the rules of hell. It didn't take much time as Pride blink his eyes the place changed. It was blindly white so Pride have to cover his eyes for a minute to adjust.

"What are you so proud of? Your mom is a prostitute!"
"Stop it! What do you want!"
"If you get in that audition I will spread your mom's video" the kid threathen
"It is their decision not mine!" The kid answer

Pride watch as the other students bullied the lonely kid, some were taking videos, some were taking photos, some are just watching. Pride felt anger rising up to his core, his eyes started to turn purple, clouds starting to get dark, the wind blows harder than normal. The kids were starting to run when a hot rain was pouring. Some were crying because they were hit by the rain fall. Pride was out of control until Gargos hit him at his back causing him to fall on the ground. Before he even close his eyes, he saw the kids eye looking at him intently and smiled. He would love to turn the smile but Gargos already carry him and everything went into spiral and he is now back where Doyoung is, standing outside a room.

•You know it is wrong to go on a past event• Gargos said as he leans on the wall Pride look at him and realize he is faced with one of the Hell's warrior.
• G—argos?• Pride asked knowing that the warrior can kill him in an instant, he didn't put down his guard
•Pride..• the warrior breathe deep and look at Doyoung
•Wha—t are you doing here?• Pride asked and slowly tried to cover Doyoung with his body, he knows that Gargos is the demon of mischief. He will play until he gets bored and that takes only 5 seconds and then he'll kill.
•I was told that something's happening here so..• Gargos answered and tried to peak to see if the human is still there.

He wanted to take Doyoung, his intentions didn't go unnotice by Pride. So even before Gargos can make a move, Pride poke his wings and throw a big wind to Gargos and immediately flight back to Doyoung's body. Gargos was thrown inside the room. Due to the impact of Pride running towards Doyoung who is just leaning on the window, he lost his consciousness.

"Oh Doyoung!" A voice called out as Doyoung slowly drop on the floor but before he reach the floor Johnny, his bestfriend catch him. He was shouting to get some help but no one did, Gargos put on a safety wall so no one could hear Johnny. He was approaching him when wrath, showed his eyes to Gargos that made the warrior stopped dead on his tracks. Johnny didn't even wait and carry his bestfriend on his back and went to the infirmary. Wrath left Johnny with Pride. Gargos is never afraid of the other sins, except Wrath.

•Gargos• Wrath called out, Gargos hiss
•Wrath• Gargos called back
•What are you doing in this world• Wrath asked
•I should be the one asking why. Everyone is outside• Gargos asked

It is known that Gargos is one of the strongest warrior hell could ever have. He wins his battle through his mischief but the reason why he is afraid of Wrath is because he absorbs the anger inside if him that's why he never wins. Wrath's strongest weapon is being feed by a human's desire to kill, the anger of injustice, all the pain and betrayal through pain is what keeps him alive and strong. While lust is the weakest of them all, Wrath is the strongest that's why no one ever really fought with him, he'll just absorb their anger and used it against them.

•We're also confused about hell closing it's doors to the demons• Wrath said as he looks around making Gargos lose his focus
•Where is Lucifer?• Gargos asked as he don't want to anger wrath. He knows better than to anger one of the strongest God in hell.
•We don't know. Ever since hell closed it's gate we can't contact him. Is he not in hell?• Wrath asked, Pride watching every Gargos moves
•That's why I am here. I am looking for him!• Gargos said raising his voice.

Oh how Gargos have wished he could control his irritability, in a swift moment Wrath is in his face choking him. Pride couldn't even believe his own eyes. He knows that Wrath is strong, but he never have seen Wrath in his devil mode fighting. It is known that Wrath could kill just by using his fingers, it was a myth nothing more but Pride saw that it wasn't just a rumor in hell being spread. It's real.

•Wrath! Enough!• Pride beg
•You have to learn where to draw the line Gargos• Wrath whispered and let go of the warriors neck.
•Satan... he.. he• Gargos couldn't finish his words and just disappears.

Wrath perks his ears up at the mention of Satan. They lost any news about Satan ever since it's last visit at the kid's dorm. Wrath went back immediately to Johnny as he is also high on guard. If Gargos, one of the best warrior in hell could go out of hell, it just means that some hellbounds and warriors can make it out too. The question is how and who allowed it? Warriors aren't really supposed to be out due to lot of sinners they are needed when it gets out of hand.

•What do you think Gargos meant?• Pride asked his brother
•I don't know• Wrath said as they entered the room
•How did he got out? They're not suppose to• Pride asked
•We need to tell Lucifer what happened and start a new plan• Wrath said and then went straight to Johnny's shadow. Pride did the same.

Pride is silent until they reached home. He has a lot of question. What did he just saw? What memory? What do Gargos meant when he said it is breaking the rule of hell when seeing a memory? He is confused, he felt detached at everything. He needed space, he needed some answers. He went out of Doyoung's body, look back once again to his brothers who is enjoying the food too and then he vanished. He needs answers, and he know for sure who he needs to find.

•I'm coming..•

7 Deadly SinsWhere stories live. Discover now