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It's been almost a month and things were pretty confusing. We got Jaehyun and Johnny's fight, Doyoung and Johnny's make up. Jaehyun's weird actions. It's too much to be handled. What's next? We will be sold out? Our contracts will be backtrack to be faked? Speaking of, the CEO haven't spoken to us since the immediate meeting we attend to. Jisung and Chenle already found their school. Jaemin and Jeno decided to work part time job so as to have their own money, Renjun hasn't told me what he will be doing.

Yuta and Sicheng will probably choose work over school. Johnny and Doyoung chose to go to college. Taeil, hmm he didn't told me what he wants also Mark he said he needs to ask for his parent's advice. All this things and still nothing from our management even managers kept on dodging.

"Hey Taeyong!"
"Hey Kun!"
"So I have a question"
"What is it?"

I sitted on the bed as Kun open the bag of chips he have and choose to sit on the floor across the bed.

"Well about what I suggested as living in one house. Would it be better if we divide the oldest members?" He asked
"Well that's a good plan Kun but is there any problem?" I asked
"Nothing, actually I am just confused" he said scratching the back of his head
"Confused about?" I asked again
"Well I don't really understand what the meeting was about, so I put a fake signature" he said

Meeting.. Right the meeting we have, I definitely remember it. But what was being talked about again?

"About our comeback?" I said not sure if I'm right
"Aha! About the drama Jaehyun will audition?" I said again but it seems wrong
"That's far from it you know Jaehyun doesn't like acting hyung"
"Okay I admit I wasn't listening because I have a severe headache that day and was busy eating my cake" I said honestly, but I can't seem to remember things? It's blurry
"Hyung, I need you to listen to me okay?" Kun said
"Alright" I answered and started to eat my ramen
"Hyung we're all in danger" He started, he looks terrified.
"What do you mean? Did the others do something wrong?" I asked
"No hyung! Listen" He said
"Remember the rumors of our company being haunted by the devil?"
"Oh yeah why?"
"It's true. The day you saw me wet under the rain crying. It was because my bestfriend, Hansol were the last kid who was sacrificed" Kun said bowing his head
"What?!" I asked shocked
"It's real hyung. The day you saw me was the day he was murdered"
"Where?! Did the police caught the person who did it?" I asked, worried because Kun is half way into losing his consciousness. It must be true, because he looks so pale
"When he was ripped off, the time were change and the scenario too. We saw Taeil kneeling infront of the wall crying while holding Hansol's bracelet that I gave. And then when he woke up in the hospital we were told that Hansol run away because of the abuse his father does to him" Kun said as he wipes his tears.

Kun is not the type to open up. No matter the situation is, it took me exactly 1 year before he open up to me about his bestfriends, even his fight with Taeil.

"I know it sounds crazy, but please believe me" Kun said as he closed his hands together
"Kun..." I called him out.

Maybe it's true, maybe it's not but Kun grew so special to me, he was the little brother I always wanted. I know I am weak and always goes with things that's easy. Kun knows me better than anyone.

"I believe you. But we need proof as to proved this theory of yours and if we are in danger, what should we do?" I asked patting his head. He's crying.
"Taeyong..." he called
"You don't have to explain Kun. And I'm not think that you are crazy. You can't just make up a story and cry as if it happens yesterday. I know you Kun" I said patting his head again.
"It's just... it's hard to explain things like this" he answered
"I know so we need to prove to them" I said

Ofcourse, it'll be hard to proved it when we don't know what to show. If this failed then atleast we tried, if this succeed then we can save lives. It's been 2 years since the company is accused of being a home of the devil, in exchange of money, popularity even the part where we always seems to get out of any trouble. They said that it's because the devil is guarding us like his own possession. I don't believe in those things, but when I saw Kun that day soak in rain looking like he will pass out any given time I came to think twice, what did he saw that day, what happened to the other trainee? After the accident the compnay won't allow us to come near the basement again, when I was a trainee together with Doyoung, Haechan and Jisung we always do our practice in one of the rooms in the basement, it's kind of small but it's cold so we don't need much to use the aircon but also because we can focus since the whole room is surrounded by mirrors. Unlike our usual room here, the mirror is just in front. It's really clear that something is being hidden there but the security there is really really tight not even an employee can get through.

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