~Meteor shower!~

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I'm new to doing stuff on Wattpad sooo -w- And I try my best to stay in character. Thank you!

Katsuki and Eijiro lay on the couch in their dorm room, bored out of their fucking minds. "You bored too, weird hair?" Eijiro chuckles. "Well, there's a meteor shower happening tonight so at least there's that." He seemed very enthusiastic about seeing the night sky. "Are you asking me out?"‌ Katsuki sounded annoyed, although it was just how he sounds. "Yeah I guess so, seeing as your my boyfriend." Bakugou shrugs. "Alright whatever, we can go." Kirishima silently cheers, Katsuki in awe at how amazing he looks when excited. "And for the record, I would've said yes regardless if we're dating or not. Idiot." A blush appears on their faces. "Are we like, making out now or..?" Bakugou rolls his eyes. "Wow, you really are weird. But that's what I love about you, Eijiro." The last part was muttered, not wanting to admit aloud that he loves Kirishima.

"Alright cool! I'm gonna get some rest before tonight. Don't wanna fall asleep during the meteor shower, do we?" Eijiro gets up and walks to his room. Bakugou slowly drifts to sleep afterwards, clutching the throw pillow as if it were his lover.

"Hey Katsuki, wake up man." A whisper startled Bakugou awake. "What the fuck?" He rubs his eyes and sees Eijiro sitting next to him, running his fingers through blond locks. Kirishima's hair was down, the red hair, now it's original color. "Oh, it's just you. I like what you did with your hair, it's kinda hot. Anyway, what time is it?" Kirishima checks the phone beside him. It was Bakugou's phone but neither cared if the other went through their phone. He saw a picture of himself on the lock screen. "11:47. Great pic by the way." Eijiro laughs as Bakugou snatches the phone out of his hands. "Now c'mon. I wanna get in my pajamas!"

Bakugou walks out of his room wearing sweatpants and no shirt, while Eijiro wears his shark onesie. "I never took you for the onesie type Eijiro. Makes you look pretty manly." A spark of joy appears in Katsuki's eyes. "Thanks Bakugou! Now let's go." They snuck out of their dorm room, seeing as it was past curfew and they would get caught roaming around. Bakugou really didn't want to go to detention and he also didn't want Eijiro to get in trouble. Kirishima trips and almost face-plants onto the ground but luckily, Bakugou catches him in time. "Be careful. I don't want to get caught out of bed again." Kirishima sighs quietly. "Sorry Bakugou." They continue to walk in silence, until getting to the door to the back. Bakugou silently opens the door and walks out, Eijiro following close behind.

Once they get outside, Eijiro and Katsuki sit on the soft grass, sitting close to each other. "Eijiro..uh thanks for coming out here with me. And for..being a tolerable boyfriend." Kirishima smiles softly at him. "Of course man. I would do anything for you." Katsuki raises an eyebrow and smirks. "Anything..?" Eijiro laces their fingers together. "Anything reasonable man." Bakugou looks into his eyes then to the grass. "You bastard." He presses their lips together and the meteor shower starts, as if it were magical. Eijiro cups his jaw gently, both their eyes fluttering closed. The sky's dusted in bright lights and they pull away from each other, holding hands in silence, watching the meteor shower in awe. Kirishima gazes at Bakugou's face, putting it to memory. It's not everyday the scowling man genuinely smiles "Stop staring at me weird hair." Growled Katsuki. "If you look at me again, I'll set your ass on fire." He huffed out.

The meteor shower ends with the last few lights in the sky, shooting across the horizon. "That was great, huh Katsuki?" To Eijiro's surprise, Katsuki was already asleep, somewhat leaning on him. Kirishima shrugs and lays back on the soft grass, holding Bakugou tenderly in his arms. 'Should have worn something other than sweatpants babe.' He thought stroking the blond's hair. The good thing being, Bakugou emits a bit of warmth when asleep, so neither were that cold. After a few minutes, watching his boyfriend sleep gets him wanting to sleep too. "We really should be getting back Katsuki." Eijiro rocks him slightly, trying not to startle him. "The hell..are you doing..? And why..the fuck..are you holding me like that..?" Kirishima lets go of Bakugou and sits up. "Sorry, you just seemed cold and I-" A chuckle interrupts him. "One:‌ I didn't say stop. Two:‌ Hold me like that when we get back to the fucking room." Eijiro rolls his eyes playfully. "Alright, your wish is my command." They stand and stretch their muscles a bit before heading back inside quietly. "Hold my hand Kirishima." Eijiro quirks (GET IT? QUIRK? please laugh) an eyebrow. "Just do it."‌ They intertwine fingers, as if they were made for each other.

They lay in Katsuki's bed, being the cleaner one out of the two. And just like Eijiro promised, he would hold Bakugou the way he liked it, though Katsuki was being vague with what he wanted. "Night Bakubabe." Kirishima holds him tightly, not ever wanting to let this boy go. "Call me that one more fucking time and I'll fucking kill you." Bakugou runs his fingers through Kirishima's black hair. "Keep your hair like this, it's better." The way Katsuki switched moods so quickly kind of scared Eijiro a bit. "Sure. Can we go to sleep now?" By the time Kirishima finished his sentence, Katsuki was already sleep, curling up in his arms. "I love you so much Bakugou." He whispers, laying a kiss on the supposedly sleeping male's lips. "Love you too idiot. Now go to sleep." Eijiro caresses his body, rocking him slowly. 'Huh. I guess love is a manly feeling.'

Word count: 691

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