Day 9- They fight/argue

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This may seem similar to the 'grumpy morning heads' but it has a.. different ending.

"I'm tired of you treating me like this!" Eijiro yells, tears in his eyes. "Oh yeah?! Well I'm fucking tired of your never ending happiness!" Katsuki yells back. "You think I'm always happy..? What about right now..or all the other arguments we've gotten ourselves in..?" The red haired boy shakes violently as tears run down his face.

They've been in several arguments before and they're always the same: They argue, ignore each other for a few hours, and then several apologies. Happens every time...

"Well damn! If you get this sensitive then maybe you're not a fucking man!" Eijiro stares in complete silence. He then runs up the stairs to his room and slams the door. "Tch. Bitch.."

~about a day later~ {Katsuki's POV}

I knock on Ei's door. "Open up. We need to talk." I try sound stern but it's covered the by sadness in my voice. "No." I huff. "You know I can fucking blast this door down, right?" He unlocks the door and opens it.

"Come in.." Eijiro says with an uninviting tone. We walk over to sit on his bed. "Why are you still with me Katsuki? You could have left a long time ago," I fidget awkwardly, both of us looking to the floor. "I don't fucking know. Maybe because you're the only one I see as a damn equal or maybe because...I know I'll fucking love you no matter what mood I'm in."

Eijiro suddenly...hugs me tightly. "This is how every argument we have goes Katsuki. I hate when this happens. We argue and argue until we hurt each other's feelings. A-And I hate when that t-to me." He sniffles and pulls back from the hug.

"Look at me." Ei turns to look me in the eyes, crimson meeting crimson. "You mean the whole fucking world to me. If I ever lose you, I'd end up fucking killing myself.." "Katsuki..I- I can't anymore. I can't argue anymore..." Eijiro gets up. "What the hell are you-" "I think we need space." With that being said, I hear the bedroom door open and close, then the front door.

"I just lost the fucking love of my damn like all because of my fucking anger issues..This is all my fault." Katsuki begins to deeply think, something he never usually does. "Maybe if I was out of the picture, he'd be happy. Without me." He gets up and walks into bathroom. Katsuki grabs a razor out of his drawer. "Sorry Ei. Sorry I can't be good enough.."  The blade pierces his skin, blood dripping down to the floor. Katsuki cries heavily while the razor continues to paint red. A sudden knock on the door interrupts him.

"Fuck off!" The door busts open to find a hurt Eijiro. "Why Katsuki..?" Eijiro snatches the razor from his hand. "What the heck t are you thinking?!" He throws the blade to the floor. "You're better without me and my damn anger issues!" Tears fall from Eijiro's eyes. "No..I need you here. I need you so much! You make me a better hero- a better person, you make my life so much greater!" "You said you needed space so fucking leave.." "Fine." With that, Eijiro leaves Katsuki alone..not knowing what will happen to him..

I'm sorry, I'm brain dead and I didn't know how to end it!!!

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