PaRt- 1 -Outer Banks

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You start off with waking up usually every day with a cold, salty breeze brushing against your face. Getting your day started by getting some food that you have around, yeah you need to go shopping. Your that type of girl who didn't care what other people thought, I mean your parents were never around. So practically your were living alone, I mean that's a law broken right there, you have to have a legal guardian at all times. You have tried to hide, you have tried to fit in, yet that stuff has never quite happened.

You always get caught in fights or as per say bitch slaps. I honestly don't know how boys find that attractive, yeah sure you have a really attractive body, every rich boy would die to date you. Yet all they want is sex. Boys aren't all your thing, when it comes to John B and his friends. Damn I would die for them. Today I have to do some chores and then head to work. I'm best friends with the only girl in there group, her name is Kiara. She has always been there for you and you always take care of her all the time especially when she was drunk with the boys.

She is super fit, I reckon every guy would tap that. Even the boys try and get with her. I mean I never even asked to hang with her because there part of there group called pogues. It's where the not so rich people live. I mean I would love to join yet i don't feel part of there group yet. 


kiara |Me - Text messages

Hey Y/N
 Hey kiara, how are you by the way haven't talked in a while.
 I've been great although I was wondering if you would like to meet the boys?
Boys? Do you mean John D, pope and JJ?
yes I do Y/N, so you down?
Of course what time? I'm working at your dad's diner in like 10 mins I finish at 3:00pm, so I'm free after that?
That is perfect, can't wait.


After the 4 hour shift at the diner you couldn't wait to meet the boys. You rushed home had a shower because you stink like sweat and see food that had been left out for weeks. You dressed nice, although you wore bathers because you know what the boys are like, they like hanging out on the boat and going fishing. 


kiara |Me - Text messages

 On my way, where we meeting?
Meet us at the pier, you'll see us in John B's boat. 


You arrived, oh crap you forgot the snacks in the car, you grabbed them and you couldn't forget the beer right. You couldn't believe your eyes, you were meeting the famous group.

"Hey all, I'm Y/N, nice to meet you"

"Hey I'm John B" he said with his famous grin.

"Hi I'm Pope" He said nervously like he was getting in trouble.

"Hey I'm JJ, I'm sure you've heard lost about me" he said jokingly.

"oh yeah I sure have, i've heard lots like Johns, the leader or the hottest in the group, Pope, you never get out of your comfort zone apart from when getting bashed and JJ, what can I say about JJ, I mean ur the trouble maker."
We all chuckle and head out to the river. 
"So what is this group?" You ask

"It's the sick as group, we never lie and we never keep secrets, so we where wondering if you would join?" Said John B.

You were in shock, I mean you wanted to say yes and then again you didn't want to intrude. I mean getting to hang with these people all the time, hell yeah.

"Sure, I'm down, as long as it's ok with the others?" You said.
" trust me girl we tried not to say anything especially me, I was so close but John wanted to ask you" Kiara states.

I mean John B hasn't kept his eyes off you once you said yes, you took your clothes off and went for a swim.
"Y'all gonna join of just stare?"you chuckle
"I- I'm coming" John b said. 
Soon after everyone came in. You all had so much fun and never wanted it to end. Until you feel something sharp under your foot. 


Word count: 738
Let me know what I can improve please, make sure you favourite it and make sure you follow me :)

Imagine John B| Chase StokesWhere stories live. Discover now