PaRt-9- Outer Banks

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RECAP: You haven't had a easy life, neither has John B. He does understand but when Sarah's around, he's a whole new person. Like he forgets what they just went through.

John B hasn't had a legal guardian for almost 5 years. He's now 16 yet still un able to do things himself. He will always need help, and will always ask for permission.

After John B had discussed what we were going to do tomorrow he never looked at you once, maybe he's hiding something, or maybe he has forgotten you are there in the first place.

Soon after the meeting, or groupie, The car ride was silent, no one spoke a peep. Your could hear the tires screech as he speeds around the corners. Let's say John B drives like we have infinity lives.

You wish never met these weirdos, yet there growing on you. Boy oi boy, this is where it got fishy, me and JJ were Chilling at then back look straight forward, until you see John B's Hans go on Sarah's thigh.

You've never been so heart broken in your life, like your heart just shattered into a million pieces that can't be fixed. You and JJ looked at each other and thought the same thing.

*what if they forget where in here, what if they start- I can't even finish that scent even, yuck*

"Oi John B are we almost there!" You say causing John B to remove his hand from Sarah's thigh and making drag jump.

You loved messing with them, it felt right, nit after what she had sons to kie. Ugh so despicable as to what she had done. It makes you sick every time you want to think about it.

* you soon arrive home, quickly kissing JJ on the cheeck then running not looking back.*

But of course John B couldn't leave you alone. He had come over soon after he dropped Sarah off, her scent even makes you sick.

"Oi can I have a apple?" John B asks

"John B, you don't need to ask, just do it, my family love you" well the family you had left.


Authors note: Always knew something would happen? What does he do next that causes you to stay silent.
Word count: 379

Make sure you vote and comment what I can improve on, see you all tomorrow:)

Imagine John B| Chase StokesWhere stories live. Discover now