PaRt-4-Outer Banks

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Recap- "hold on let me go up there just in case there's like racoons or something?" he says with a smirk.


"Hmm sure haha" you say.
You slowly follow John B up the ladder do you see a beautiful place with a bell, he set down the candles and lit them while me and him looked out the window for the view.
"Wow that is a beautiful view" you state

"Not as beautiful as you Y/N" he says looking at you.

You have never turned so red in your life, he just gives you butterflies. I mean I'm sure he had a thing what's Kiara but Pogues can't date Pogues and I respect that.

" I don't know what we are but you do realise your breaking your own rule John B" you look straight at him.
" yeh, I'm sorry, I guess I really like you."

" you stood in awe, you can't believe he said that" you slowly moved closer to him and started a full out make out session.

*gonna keep this PG because yah know there might be like 12 year olds on here*

After that, you realised what time it was and that you had to meet up with the crew.
"Ay, John B wake up!"

" morning babe" John B said in his morning voice.

Babe? Did he just say babe? No way i know we did it but I'm sure I'm just another girl to him. Like I'm being used. This really can't happen again.

" get up we need to meet the crew!"
" JOHN B!" You are screaming at this point.

" damn I'm up you didn't scream that much last night" he said with a smirk.

You never told him your a virgin, I mean i know he's not a virgin, seeing he has told everyone how special it was. Even though it lasted a whole 30 seconds.

You get to them soon after, you stopped by home to change, seeing you slept in a dusty attic for the night. I wouldn't say it was special for you I mean I'm sure if it was more meaningful like if he made it official, but it seem like it and I felt real bad.

You slowly make your way to the boat, until you hear
"Where going searching for gold mother fuckers!" As JJ screams.

You stop in your tracks and think for a second, the golden merchant, no way. You can't do this to yourself you will get in so much trouble.

"Oh i have stuff to do at home" you say quickly running off.

The crew tries to stop you from going by following you home.

"Hold on guys let me talk to her, she's been off recently" Kiara.

Kiara runs off after you, trying to catch up. Sometimes you wish that Kiara was your sister. She's has always been there for you, you love her like a sister.

"I can't go with you guys, I really can't, I can't go to jail." You say with tears forming.

"Hey trust me if things get bad you can dip, but you know John B and all of us especially JJ will be here for you" Kiara states.

JJ and Pope are like brothers to you even thought they flirt half of the time, there your brothers from another mother. You can't wait to see what the future holds.

"Ok, I'll help" you run back to the pier and jump in JJ's arms. They all soon jumped into a group hug.

"Love you all, you goofs" you said.

"Love you too Y/n" the Pogues.


"JJ shush, your gonna get us caught" Kiara and you say.

"Sorry love" JJ says.

You roll your eyes and flip him off. Your very lucky to have friends such as them. Can't wait to see what will happen in the future, maybe John B might end up with Sarah, surprising right. You will never know. We might be millionaires!! You really can't wait. You look at the water to see a boat racing to you guys.

" Ay John B, there's a boat following us!" You scream.

"Hurry John B, FASTER!!" Kiara screams.

Shots where being fired, you really thought you were going to die, right now, right here. John B better hurry up, that's it I'm driving the boat.

"Move John B, I'm steering this shit!" You say.
Until you feel a sharp pain in your arm.....

Word count: 745

Little something for you guys, don't worry I will post part five tomorrow!! Vote, follow, and share.

Imagine John B| Chase StokesWhere stories live. Discover now