PaRt- 11- Outer Banks

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You and jj have been getting along right. I mean nothing special. You don't want to stuff up the relationship you have now. You snap out of your thoughts as soon as you hear a loud bang coming from your room......

Never have you thought you were getting robbed, maybe it was just a frame that dropped in your room.

You slowly make your way to your room, grabbing a baseball bat trying to not make the floor creek. The suspense was killing you.

One step *creek* another step *creek* more steps followed the loud sound. Were you about to die.
"Did I leave something open in my room!!" Then you realise ur window was open. How stupid could I be, your sweaty hand makes it's way to the wooden handle. Was this where your life ends, You quickly barge into your room to see....

John B?

What the hell is he doing here.

" Calm down I didn't mean to scare you I was only looking for my sweater I lended you the other night, I needed it for Sarah oh and I may have broken the frame of us in it." John b stated.

"Well one, I'm not giving the sweater back that's pretty much all I have of you now, because before you know it you will be some rich wealthy husband who forgot about his friends, and two wth, you owe me a knew frame!" Your eyes start welling up in tears.

For once John b wasn't oblivious he actually realised you were about to cry.
"Hey I'm sorry, why don't us 5 with out Sarah go to the diner down the street and get a bite. Well that's if you want to." He asked.

"I mean I would but don't you think you have to get back to Sarah, she is your "gf" after all" you say.

Maybe you regretted saying that, will you change your mind?

Omg I'm so sorry for the late update, I promise I will make the next one longer for you allxx
Word count: 352

Imagine John B| Chase StokesWhere stories live. Discover now