Chapter II- All Things In The Dark Must Come To The Light

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I woke up to my alarm. I rubbed my eyes and saw that Aden and Milan were still asleep.

"Wake up time" I said as I shook them.

"It's not morning as yet" Milan said yawning.

"It is so go prepare for school before you're late" they left.

I walked to my bathroom and stripped before taking a shower. I got out and brushed my teeth then wash my face.

I did my hygiene stuff then walk in my closet for something to wear. I decided to wear my khaki genie in a skirt with my black genie top. I slipped on my black Michael Kors pumps and grabbed my black and white Tory Burch backpack. I left my orangish brown hair to be wild, as usual.

I walked downstairs for breakfast and surprisingly my parents weren't arguing.

"Good morning" I mumbled.

"Good morning sweetheart" my mom smiled.

"Good morning sweetie pie" dad said as he read the newspaper.

I took plate and sat down to eat. Aden came down on his phone talking to someone and Milan fixing her backpack.

I finished eating, said my byes and left for school.


"I don't know Lonie" I said as we walked to class.

"Come on! It's gonna be fun!"

"You know how dad is when it comes to those stuff"

"We'll just tell him that we're going to a party"

"I'll think about it" Then we saw that LeBron guy and his friends.

He walked to reach up with Lonie so I dropped back.

"Hey Nyla" I looked up and saw that guy from yesterday.

"Hi. What's your name again?" I asked

"Malik" I smiled.

"Cool name" I said nudging him.

He started smiling as we walked into class.

"Why do you act so mean?" He asked.

"I'm bipolar" he kissed his teeth.

"Bipolar my ass" he mumbled causing me to laugh.

"Ok break it up. Take your seats" Ms. Wilburg, our Geography teacher said.


As I did the laundry I saw a white paper on the ground. Out of curiosity, I picked it up and read it.

Hey Dad!

I don't know if you know this but Mom is sick. Breast cancer is the case. So I was wondering if I could come live with your family. I won't be of any harm nor will I be in anyone's way. It's just that I don't want to stay with Will. Please daddy! Anyway, I love you :)

-Emily <3

My blood was boiling not at the fact that he has another child but because he never told any of us. I paced to the theatre room where he was watching the game. I switched off the tv.

"Hey! I was watching that!" He whined.

"We need to talk"

"Ok" he patted a space on the couch for me to sit but I continued standing.

"Why are you keeping secrets from me?" I asked.

"I don't know what you're talking about"

"So you don't know who is Emily?"

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