chapter 9: Doctor/Nurse

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(y/n)'s p.o.v.

I had gotten settled in and unpacked my few belongings of some clothes, glasses, and contacts, then while I look through the closet when I see a large Doctor type lab coat, 'must be Donnie's.' I thought as I pulled it out and put it on it went down to my feet. There were goggles in the pocket I put it on my head, then they slid down to my neck. once I had them fixed on my head I then grabbed a med kit to match my outfit, then I heard two loud yells in pain, I zip over to the big bed to see Donnie with a cut on his arm and Tim with a bruise on his head. I put down the kit and said in my best robot voice "Hello... I am (n/n), your personal health care companion, I ran over to the sound of you both yelling, on a scale of 1 to 10 how would you rate your pain?"  They stared for a second looking at my get-up, then they giggled a bit before saying  "well Doctor~ I'll do fine with just a kiss~." Tim said, "Yeah Doctor~ but also a bandage for my arm too. but everything would be better with a kiss~." Donnie joined in. I slightly blush, I pulled out a ice pack and some bandages. since I was small I struggled to get on the tall bed, Donnie was on the edge of the bed so he picked me up and put me on the middle of the bed. I gave Tim the ice pack for his head, and I grabbed Donnie's arm wrapping it up with the bandage.

After I finished with Donnie's cut arm I sat on the bed, "Hey Doc~." Tim said I look over at him, he motioned for me to go to him so I obeyed.  H e grabbed my chin and pulled my close to him Kissing me, after a second I kissed back. Then we pulled away, I crawled over to Donnie who looked left out and I kissed him so he wouldn't feel bad or left out. then we all snuggled together. "Night Doc~." " You've been good boys, Have a lolipop!" I said handing them lolipops as we all fell asleep.

Hey my smarties this was based off Big Hero 6 so I added it in to spice it up. see you later sorry it was short

~Dr Mask out~ 

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