Not For Long

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After Alejandro and I left his house we were now in the streets of New Jersey. So not the best idea. Where else were we going to go? I have an idea on where to stay but that might not be the best but we can try it.
Y/n: Here Alejandro stay here real quick.
Alejandro: Hell no Y/n! I'm coming with you!
Y/n: Ale just stay here real fast ok? If someone comes up to you shoot them.
I gave him my gun that I had.
Alejandro: I'm not the type of person to kill somebody Y/n..
Y/n: Me too but it's self defense Alejandro. Now I have to go right now or else we are both going to die.
Alejandro: Ok but please hurry!!
Y/n: I will I promise.
I ran towards a store hoping something is unlocked. I saw a crack at a window and I knew me and Alex could fit inside it.
Y/n: Bingo.
I ran to find Alejandro but he wasn't there. Shit..
Y/n: Ahhh fuck.. Alejandro?!!
I saw somebody stabbing someone. It looked like Alejandro but I don't know. I probably made a stupid decision by going up to that person.
Y/n: HEY!!
The person turned around and it wasn't Alejandro or was it the guy who was getting stabbed. Alejandro wasn't near.
??: Well, well, well. Look at what we have here.
Y/n: What do you want?
??: You!
Before I could say anything I saw him get shot. I looked behind him and saw Alejandro.
Y/n: Oh my god Alejandro!!
I hugged him.
Y/n: Oh my god I thought you were dead!
Alejandro: No I was hiding.
Y/n: Where?
Alejandro: Behind that trash can.
He pointed to a trash can behind us.
Y/n: Oh ok. Well I have a place where we can stay but not for long.
Alejandro: Ok well let's go.
I led him to the store and showed him the window.
Y/n: Here if we can lift up this window we can easily slip through.
Alejandro: Ok lets do it.
We both lifted the window up. It took us a few tries but we eventually got it up.
Y/n: Ok you go inside first.
Alejandro: Why me?
Y/n: Because I said so! Now hurry go!!
He climbed through the window safely. After he got inside I started to go in until I felt myself get dragged.
Alejandro: Y/N!!!
??: Haha. You better say goodbye to your little boyfriend over there!
I saw that he had an ax and he lifted it up but I stabbed him in the knee and kicked him. He fell to the ground and then I started running back to the window.
Y/n: Alejandro grab my arm and help me up hurry!!
He lifted me up and I got in safely. The guy started to climb through the window but I slammed the window shut crushing his fingers. He screamed in pain and then I opened the window and shot him right in the middle of his forehead. I shut the window and found some wood and covered the window with it.
Y/n: Ok we are safe for now.
Alejandro: No we're not..
Y/n: What do you mean?
He pointed behind me and I turned around and saw people staring at us. Shit..
??: Y/n.
Y/n: Olivia...

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