Lets Roll

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Y/n: Wait Olivia!!!
We ran up to each other and hugged. Here's a little backstory. Olivia and I are cousins. We are so close to each other like sisters. During last years purge she went missing as well and I couldn't find her. I thought she was dead but here she is standing right in front of me with some boys behind her.
Olivia: Oh my god I thought i'd never see you again!
Y/n: Me too!
Alejandro: Ahem..
Y/n: Oh Olivia this is Alejandro. I met him tonight.
Olivia: Are you sure he's not going to kill you?
Alejandro: Nah the real question is "Is she gonna kill me?"
Olivia: *Laughs* Haha she wouldn't kill anyone or else it's self defense.
Alejandro: Oh ok good!
??: Alejandro?!
Some random boy said. He was really short. Only like two or three inches taller than me.
Alejandro: Kairi?!!
Kairi: ALEX!!!!
They hugged each other.
Kairi: Dude it's so nice seeing you bro!
Alejandro: Same bro. Is it just you?
Kairi: Nah the rest of the boys are over there. I'll go get them tho!
Alejandro: Ight.
Olivia: You know that nerd?
Alejandro: Yeah we were childhood best friends bro. Even with the other guys.
Y/n: Wait there's more?!
Boys: ALE!!!!
They all hugged him and started talking.
Olivia: It's like they're forgetting we're here..
Y/n: Right?
??: Hey Olivia come here real quick!
Olivia: Hey I'll be back!
Y/n: Ok.
I kind of wish she didn't leave me but it is what it is.
(it eez what it eez)
*Glass shatters*
Uh oh. I guess Im the only one that heard that. They were all so carried away in there own conversation they had. I decided to check out the noise. It was out that window so I took off the wood and looked. Nobody in sight. Ok well that's good now. Or so i thought. Someone came running and they had a knife and they try to cut my neck but I blocked it with my arm. (Reflexes bro) I screamed in pain. Then they attempted to drag me out the window but I was fighting back. I looked at the window and no one was there. Did they not hear me? Well that didn't stop me from trying to stay alive. The dude and I kept going at each other. Every now and then he would attempt to slice my neck but i'd either hurt him or i'd block it with my arm which was badly cut up.
Dude: Why won't you die bitch?
Y/n: Cause I'm immortal unlike YOU!!
And then I shot him. I ran to the window and saw that boy Alejandro was with before he met the rest of the group. I think his name is Kairi or something?'
Kairi: Cmon Give me your arm!
I gave him my arm and it was really painful but I sucked it up because staying alive is more important right now. He eventually got me in and helped me up. He then grabbed nails and a hammer and nailed the wood to the window blocking it.
Kairi: Are you okay?! You're cut up and bleeding really bad in your stomach!
My stomach?! Oh. Yeah I got stabbed by one of those bitches back there. I was in a lot of pain right now but I tried to suck it up and walk but I couldn't I guess I was losing some blood.
Y/n: Oh yeah I'm coo-
I fell down but he catched me and carried me.
Kairi: Here I'll be able to fix you up.
He carried me to where everyone was at. He then put me on the counter laying me down and grabbing a kit. No one noticed us which was kind of weird but who cares they're catching up.
Kairi: Ok i'm gonna need some help. Guys can you help me fix her up?!!
They all turned around and their eyes went wide and shocked that I was covered in my own blood.
Alvaro: Oh my god. What happened?!
Kairi: Well did you guys not hear her scream over there?
All of them: No.
Kairi: Oh well she nearly got killed but I saved her life.
All of them: Oh.
Kairi: Are any of you going to help me??!!!! Cause she's losing a lot of blood. She got stabbed in the stomach. Her neck has a cut on it. Pretty sure someone tried to slice her throat. And her arm is bleeding pretty bad. Soo help me guys!
Mattia: Ok I got you fool.
He came over and lifted me up and took me over to a chair.
Kairi: Ok so hold her head back please Mattia.
Mattia: Ok.
He pulled my head back and Kairi applied alcohol on my neck. It stung really badly and I tried not to move but it hurt so bad.
Kairi: Hey I know it hurts but try and stay still. Ok?
Y/n: Ok i'll try.
He kept applying the alcohol and went to my stomach.
Kairi: Ok we might need to take off your shirt for this but I don't think you can cause of your arm, so Mattia can you take off her shirt?
Mattia: Yeah sure.
Not gonna lie it was pretty awkward of him to take off my shirt because we just met but it looked like he wasn't bothered by it. Thank God. But it looked like Alejandro was jealous because Mattia took it off.
Kairi: Ok well hopefully you can lay down. Can you try?
I layed down perfectly fine.
Kairi: Ok this is gonna hurry pretty badly but I know you're tough ok? Just try and stay still ok? Mattia and I are right here ok?
Mattia: You can hold my hand to distract you from the pain a little bit.
Y/n: Ok.
I grabbed his hand and while Kairi was applying alcohol on the cotton I started to tense up and grabbed Mattia's hand tighter.
Mattia: Hey it's ok. It'll all be over soon. I promise!
He was right it will be over soon.
Kairi: Ok i'm going to count to the three ok? 1,2,3..
He applied the alcohol on it and I tried not to scream but it was really hard to stay still. I realized I was moving around a lot so I kind of calmed down
just a little bit.
Kairi: Ok stay like that ok? You're doing great!
After he was done applying he grabbed another cotton piece and applied alcohol on my arm. Again lots of pain but it was over soon.
Kairi: Ok i'm going to apply stitches right now.
After like 20 some minutes he was done. He finished really fast tho.
Y/n: How'd you finish so fast?!
Kairi: My moms a nurse and I've practiced stitching up a few things so I guess you could say I'm fast.
Y/n: Cool.
Mattia: Ok guys let's head back to the group now.
Kairi: Ok I'll meet you guys there! Lemme put this stuff away real quick!
Y/n: Ok please be careful!
Kairi: I will! Plus nobody can get in!
Mattia: Yeah you're right. Cmon Y/n let's go.
Y/n: *sigh* ok.
We started walking until Mattia pulled me aside to behind an aisle.
Y/n: I thought we were leaving!
Mattia: Shhh!
He pulled me to his chest and covered my mouth with his hand. We saw two people walking and they went towards the way we left Kairi.
Y/n: Wait Kairi!!!
Mattia: Hey dont worry I have a gun.
We quietly tiptoed towards them and Kairi was not facing them. He was putting the box inside a drawer. He turned around and saw them he was frozen and didn't know what to do. The two people had a machete and a baseball bat. The person with a baseball bat swung at Kairi but Kairi dodged it and ran behind the counter. He bent down picked up a gun and shot the person. Just as the person with a machete was going to swing, Mattia shot the person.
Kairi looked over to where we were and saw us.
Kairi: I thought you guys went back!
Mattia: Nah we saw them coming and we knew they were looking for someone.
Kairi: Oh ok good.
Y/n: Are you ok tho?
Kairi: Yeah i'm fine.
Mattia: Wait so how did they get in?
Kairi: I don't know.
Y/n: GUYS!!
They both looked at me confused.
Y/n: What if they got in from the others?!!! Like Alejandro and Olivia?! What if they got them?!!!
They both looked at each other and looked so confused.
Mattia: What?!!
Y/n: Oh my god....
I just ran and looked for them. I went back to the room and didn't see any of them.
Olivia: AHHHH HELP!!!!!
I looked out the window and saw all of them with bags over their heads and getting tossed into the back of a van.
Y/n: OLIVIA!!!!
Alejandro: Y/N HELP US!!!!
The people shut the doors to the van and started driving away.
I climbed out of the window and tried to get to the van. They started to drive away but I got a good view of the license plate. I have to find them.
Kairi: Y/N!!
Mattia: Oh my god! Are you okay!??
Y/n: Yeah but everyone else got kidnapped.
Kairi: SHIT!!!
Kairi: We are going to find them!
Mattia: How?
Y/n: I saw the license plate so we might be able to find them.
Kairi: Well lets go!
Mattia: Wait we need weapons!
Y/n: I have a gun and a knife. Grab that gun that person had and the machete.
Mattia: On it!
Kairi: All right... God I can't believe this! I can't believe this! God DAMMIT!!
He broke a glass window.
Y/n: Kairi calm down! We are going to find them. Trust me.
Kairi: Ok... Ok.. Ok. Yeah you're right. We are going to kill those mother fuckers.
Mattia: Ok I got them!
Y/n: All right... Lets roll...

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