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"This is America" To be honest this world is disgusting! How could you possibly go up to a black man and he tells you what's wrong that you grab him and put your knee on his neck for over five minutes making his nose bleed and telling him to relax while he's pleading for his life to not end. "I can't breathe" LISTEN TO HIM!! He had a future ahead of him. A FAMILY! You had people surrounded around you begging to get your knee off of him but you didn't listen. Instead you have another cop talk to them and not listen. You could've asked him questions instead of killing him. "Make America Great Again" America was never great in the first place! "And justice for all" That wasn't justice! What don't you racist people understand about this world? Just because a man/female is black doesn't mean he/she is in a gang or they're gonna rob or murder you! This honestly needs to stop but it won't because this is the world we live in! We have people in this world trying to act black and be offended towards colored people. White people saying the N word is fucking offensive towards colored people because of the past with them. They were literally SLAVES! What did they ever do to deserve this! STOP KILLING THEM!!! STOP IT!!! I'm not black. I'm mexican. It also sucks for us mexicans/hispanics. People are being separated from their families! People make jokes about us! This is the fucking world we live in?! This is not the world God created. America needs to be greater. Police needs to stop harassing the colored people and killing them for no exact reason. A colored man can't even sell CD's without getting shot!! A colored man can't even go on a run without getting shot!! Three colored sisters can't even hang out without getting attacked by a man and one sister passing away with a slashed neck. A colored man can't even go to a store without being followed and murdered. A colored man getting choked and begging for him to stop. THEY HAD FAMILY!!! THEY HAD A FUTURE AHEAD OF THEM!! THEY HAD KIDS!!! SOULMATES!!! WHAT DONT YOU UNDERSTAND BY THEM SAYING "Don't shoot!", "I cant breathe!", "Please help me!", "I'm not in a gang!". STOP IT! STOP BEING RACIST AND LISTEN TO THOSE AROUND YOU! Now you can see the ugly side of colored people living in America...

The Purge- Alejandro Rosario.Where stories live. Discover now