Dangerous Woman

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Robert: Trust me you're not going to like this.
After he said that people opened the doors and took us out. More like dragged us out. We were all trying to fight back. I was the last one out. But before they took me Robert whispered something to me.
Robert: There will probably be a lady in there. She's a dangerous woman. But don't worry. We will protect you.
Then he kissed my cheek and I got dragged. LITERALLY. Two guys grabbed me but the rest of them only had one guy. The fuck?
Girl: Well, well, well. If it isn't Y/n Y/l/n.
Y/n: Who are you?
Girl: Oh my apologies. My name is Samantha. I'm the one your father had an affair with and he had to owe me money.
Y/n: Didn't he have to owe money to somebody else tho?
Samantha: That somebody else was me.
Y/n: Why?
Samantha: After the whole thingy we made a deal and he said he would owe me $1,000 but I never got it.
Mattia: Greedy ass bitch....
Samantha: What was that?
Mattia: Nothing!
Samantha: Mhmm... But anyways I never got it so I killed him and your mother.
Y/n: Just because of money?
Samantha: Nope but also because I was jealous of the marriage your parents had.
Y/n: Oh my god.. So you took their lives away?? How would you feel if I took your parents lives away?
Samantha: I already killed them.
Y/n: Yeah maybe because they didn't wanna stay with a stanky ass hoe!!
Mattia: Ooohhhhh!!
Alvaro: Oh shit!
Roshaun: Go off bestie. PERIOD!!
Olivia: She told you....
Kairi: Damn....
Alejandro: That was kinda hot....
Y/n: You're kind of hot.
Samantha: Enough! Since you're all about that mouth how about I'll start with you first? Yeah i'll do that! Get her boys and tie the rest of them up!
Some boys came over and grabbed everybody else and tied them up.
Samantha: Since you said that earlier which one should I kill first? Him?
She said pointing to Kairi.
Samantha: Nah. Him? Oh for sure!
She said pointing to a guy that I didn't know.
Samantha: Whats your name?
??: John. (idk any other names 🥴)
Samantha: Do you know any of these people here?
John: N-no..
Samantha: Ok. Well, save me a seat up there in heaven.
Then she stabbed him. I gasped because she just went for it. Didn't hesitate. Nothing just stabbed him.
Samantha: Alright who's next? (Go, go, go, go, go. ima just shut up....)  Hmmmmm. How bout you?
She said pointing to Mattia. Oh my god. If it's Mattia it's never good.
Y/n: No! Please not him! Not even anyone in here! Please! What do you want from us?
Samantha: It doesn't work that way Y/n. It never works that way.
She went up to Mattia and untied him. She then put a gun to his head. Everybody was frozen and didn't know what to do.
Samantha: If you move I swear to God I will blow his goddamn head off!
Mattia: Y/n.....
Y/n: Please! Stop it!
Samanatha: Doesn't work that way!
Y/n: Robert was right.... You are a dangerous woman's
Samantha: I'm even more dangerous and I'll show you!
She then through Mattia into the wall making his head hit it and knocking him out. She then came running up to me and tried to kill me. I then heard a gunshot go off. She tried shooting me but missed.
Samantha: Boys help me!
Some boys came over and picked me up. One of them grabbed a chair and someone had a rope and duct tape and another dude had a knife. Samantha had the gun. Then they grabbed me again and tied me to the chair and put duct tape over my mouth. Then Samantha came over and lifted up my shirt and saw my wounds.
Smanatha: Oh no. What happened here? Stabbed? Shot? Don't worry. It will feel even worse in a few.
She then tore my shirt and put the knife over the wound.
Kairi: Leave her the hell alone! I spent time stitching those up too!! And I'm proud of it!!!
Roshaun: Do em you ever not stay serious??
Kairi: Shut up...
Samantha: Anyways your precious work is soon gonna come to an end. Sorry. Hopefully this will make you feel better.
She then kissed him. Kairi install pulled away and looked so disgusted.
Kairi: Ewwww! I don't want your crusty, dirty ass lips on mine. I think Ima throw up.
Samantha: Oohhhhh you're so gonna regret saying that!
She then came up to me and stabbed me in my belly button area. I screamed in pain. It hurt so bad. I was now crying my eyes out from the pain. I mean who wouldn't. I started moving around so much because it hurt.
Olivia: STOP IT!!
She than took the knife out and just laughed. Even her laugh was ugly goddamn...
Samantha: Hahaahaha. You guys really care about this whore?
Alejandro: 1. She is not a whore. 2. She's the most precious, caring, kindhearted soul I have ever met. and 3. You should be the one going through this NOT her!
Samantha: Actually she does!
Alejandro: Over something she didn't do?
Samantha: What her parents did.
Alejandro: You could have just dropped it and go fuck somebody else. SLUT!! ( I hate that word so much I'm sorry)
Samantha: You're gonna regret that.
She put a cut on his stomach and walked away. This bitch is psycho I swear.
Samantha: Now back to your little precious wounds that aren't gonna be so precious now.
She then took the knife and stabbed it again. I screamed in lain and agony. I saw Mattia watch as he had tears pouring out of his eyes down to the side of his head.
Y/n: *muffled* STOP IT PLEASE!! IT HURTS!!
Samantha: What was that I couldn't hear you?
I then felt the knife go deeper. I was now crying even harder.
She then took the knife out and I looked down at my stomach and saw blood all over my clothes and it didn't stop.
Samantha: What was that?
Olivia: Ima fuck you up, MYSELF!
She then spit in her face and Samantha smirked and turned around walking back towards me. She then stabbed me in my shoulder.
I then heard the doors open and saw Robert and his guys. They came shooting inside and shit everyone except. Kairi, Alejandro, Olivia, Roshaun, Mattia, and that one girl. I didn't get shot.
Ight lets untie these people.
They untied everyone and came towards me.
Robert: Holy shit! Are you okay?
Y/n: No! NOT AT ALL!! Everything hurts! Please help me. I don't wanna die young...
Robert: Ok hold on.
He then untied me and took us back to the van.
Y/n: What time is it?
Robert: 3:33 am. We got 4 more hours. Everyone came inside but two boys had to carry Mattia because he was about to pass out again.
Bryan: Alright in here you go!
Mattia: Mommy?
This kid....

I feel like my stories are getting boring and people don't really like em no more. I don't really know bout this chapter. Anyways.  I'll write some more later.

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