The Plan

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I found myself on the couch again. I started to think about everything that happened this night. Literally almost died and i don't know how i'm still alive. I guess it's just a miracle. It's only been 6 hours too. I don't know if i'll honestly survive this night. I just have this weird feeling that something bad will happen later on. (always trust your gut feeling!) I'm just thinking about how I almost saw my parents and how I killed my brother. My own fucking brother... I started to regret that now. Why Y/n?! Why did you kill him?!! He was the only real family that you had. Your best friend. The only person that understood you the most when nobody else would except your parents. I started getting angry at myself for that. I started pacing around the room and started to get even more frustrated. I was angry at myself. I AM ANGRY!! (spencer james be like) I started to wreck the room up. I was throwing paper. The pillows from the couch across the room. The cushions from the couch across the room. I started crying now. Why Y/n?!!! Why did you do that?!!! You could have talked to him!!! I then screamed in agony and guilt and pain. I couldn't take it no more. I just couldn't. I saw a window and climbed out of it. Not the best idea but i'm now going to walk the streets of New Jersey during the Purge. Hopefully i'll see my parents again.

I heard stuff moving around in the other room.
Alejandro: Guys, Shut up! Do you hear that?!
We all stood there quietly and listened. We then heard glass break and a scream. Y/n! I ran to the door and tried to open it but it was locked.
Alejandro: Y/N!!! Y/N OPEN UP!!!!
We heard nothing from the other side.
Mattia: Here, watch out.
He then started hitting the door with his shoulder trying to get in. He then opened it and saw the room was a total mess.
Olivia: Oh my god..
Alvaro: Holy shit...
Roshaun: Guys?
We all looked at Roshaun.
Roshaun: Where's Y/n?
We all looked around the room not seeing Y/n anywhere.
Alvaro: Ahhh shit... here we go again.....
Alejandro: We have to go look for her!
Mattia: Alejandro it's not safe.
Alejandro: I don't care!
Kairi: Alejandro he's right. We can't just go out there! It's not safe, and if Y/n is out there then that was a stupid decision of her to make.
Alejandro: Are you guys hearing yourselves right now?! You guys sound like you're giving up on Y/n. That's your friend out there!! That's family out there!
Alvaro: He's right guys. We have to go help her. Even if it's not safe you just don't give up on the people you love. That's family out there. If you guys don't wanna help her than we can.
Roshaun: If you guys wanna come then go. If you don't just stay here. You guys can be safe here if you want instead of helping out a friend. Let's just go Alvaro.
Olivia: Cmon Alejandro.
Alejandro: I'll be there in a bit.
Olivia: Ok.
They all left and I turned and faced them both.
Alejandro: So... What's your choice?
Mattia: I have an idea but I don't know.
Alejandro: What is it?
Kairi: Ok this is why we said it isn't safe to go outside because we knew you would all say what you said.
Alejandro: Ok what?
Mattia: Just listen. You wanna tell him orrr?...
Kairi: You're the one who came up with it!
Mattia: Ok but you're the one who's best at memorizing stuff!
Kairi: You should know the stuff you came up with!! DORY!!!
Mattia: Dory?? Who the hell is Dory?
Kairi: The fish that has brain lost, and she's friends with NEMO!!
Mattia: Ohhhh. Now that's just messed up for you to say!
Kairi: Says the one that can't even remember what he had last night for dinner!!
Mattia: Yeah what did I have last night?
Kairi: Oh my god...
Mattia: Oh! I remember I ha-
Alejandro: GUYS!!
They both looked at me.
Alejandro: THE PLAN!!
Mattia: Oh right! You tell him Kairi.
Kairi: Oh my god you bi- I'm not even gonna start. Ok so we stay back and we have this tracking bracelet to track you guys. Yes, we put a tracker on the phone Y/n has, that's why Mattia slipped the phone in her pocket.
Alejandro: Ok.
Kairi: So when something bad happens we'll know because the dot on there turns red. Same with the one Y/n has.
Mattia: So far the dot is green.
Alejandro: Ok. Wait but where is she?
Mattia: It says she is on Jackson street. Where the fuck is Jackson street at?
Kairi: Man the liquor store is by Jackson street.
Mattia: What liquor store?
Kairi: You know what forget it. Your dumb ass can't even remember your own hometown that you've lived in your whole life! Jesus.
He said looking up. With his hands in a prayer form.
Kairi: God, please help me with this man right next to me. He's really dumb and he's horrible at remembering things. Please give him his memory back this will be much easier God. I beg you! Amen.
Mattia: Preach. Praise the Lord. Read the Bible Man. Go to Church! Pastor Kairi Cosentino!
Mattia: Why you screaming!!!
Kairi: You making my eardrums bleed!
Alejandro: I'm out!
Kairi: Ok we're sorry!!
Mattia: Yeah for real for real.
Alejandro: Ok but how did you guys think of this plan?
Kairi looked at Mattia.
Kairi: Tell him.
Alejandro: Here we go again!
Mattia: I remember for real this time bro.
Kairi: Fucking finally. THANK YOU JESUS! Since you did that. I will now go to Church. I love you Jesus. Kumbaya My Lord. Kumbayaaa-
Alejandro: KAIRI!!
Kairi: My bad bro, my bad!
Mattia: Umm, you suck at singing.
Kairi: You suck at remembering things!
Mattia: Ugh whatever anyways we came up with this plan last night just in case one of us or anyone we trust gets lost. Like how Y/n did.
Mattia: I forgot the rest...
Kairi: You've got to be fu-
Mattia: Oh! Yeah I forgot....
Kairi: This kid. Jesus Please help him again. Thank you! Anyways, since we tracked you guys down and we know if there's a problem we instantly grab everything we can and rush to you guys send you guys a message through the bracelet. You'll know if we send you guys a message because the bracelet has a light that turns blue. Right there. We'll only send you a message if there's a problem then we'll call you telling you what's wrong.
Alejandro: Ok..
Mattia: Ight you got it right?
Alejandro: Yeah... I guess?..
Mattia: Ight. Now get the hell out! Go save your girlfriend!
And then I went to go find Y/n in the streets of New Jersey on Purge Night...

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