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cora's pov

i'm back. back to the outer banks, see i come here every summer and stay at my cousins house. my cousin was sarah and i was pretty close with her. i got to their house and she told me there was supposedly going to be a hurricane.

of course my dad would still send me here despite that. he never liked me and we never really got along. he was always money hungry and got abusive at times.

the only person i talked to about it was sarah. i didn't have much friends back at home in georgia. everyone who hung around me was fake. it was much different here, but i was best friends with sarah.

i'd be coming here in the summer for a few years now. i never fully understood the class system they had. apparently she was a kook and the poorer parts were pogues.

i hadn't met many pogues, but they seemed more fun to me and the ones i always saw were so close with each other. i always wanted a friend group like that. i just never got it everyone rich was stuck up and fake and they didn't seem as if they were.

sarah said they were bad news so i kind of just stayed away. i actually stayed away from pretty much everyone here. the only people i talked to was topper and sarah. i didn't even talk to rafe. he was an absolute ass and most the time topper was too.

i got my things settled in and went to talk to sarah.
"hey do you want some popcorn?" she asked.

see we have this crazy addiction with skinny pop and we both always kept it on us and stocked up.

"cmon sarah is that even a question?" i asked taking it from her and starting to eat it.

all we did that day was watch movies and watch the storm hit. it was pretty bad, but not as bad as i thought it would be. for us at least. the only thing they really lost was power. everyone did though.

we were out the next day trying to keep birds from taking the rats and other animals. i was very passionate about saving the environment and through me sarah got invested in helping out too.

"y'all know that's not going to do anything but hey i admire y'all for trying. good work cora."
"thank you uncle ward you know i just try my hardest to protect harmless animals." i said laughing.
we went out to the dock to look around when this guy came up. i knew it was john b because well he worked for the cameron's and she hated him. i don't know why he seemed alright to me, but i listened to her.

"what are you doing here?" she asked him and he turned and looked at us.
"just taking these tanks to fill up the air in them is that a problem?"
"no she doesn't sorry to bother you you're just doing your job." i cut her off. he did nothing to deserve hateful words so i didn't allow it.
"why haven't i seen you around? newest kook princess?"
"i-i no i come here—" he cut me off
"whatever i don't really give a shit bye queen b and princess." he said jumping on his boat.

i just stood there shocked. she saluted him and flipped him off and i just laughed as we jumped in the river and swam around. after we went to scare the birds with tennis rackets again.

we went back inside after a successful-ish try at saving the rats and we decided to go to a party. see at all the parties you had the 3 groups;
the people who were here on vacation
the kooks
the pogues.

honestly i can't believe these parties were successful because honestly the kooks were so dramatic. sarah was like the queen of them and everyone loved her. seeing how john had acted earlier i knew that they really really hated each other.

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