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I wandered home after spending the entire afternoon at Kate's place. That woman is a legitimate angel, I don't know what I'd do without our friendship. Chloe had texted me that she returned home and that she'll be waiting for me with dinner. I'm hoping she's not using the food as a distraction for us to have a real conversation about this relationship.
It's time to rip that band-aid off and just talk.

All the lights seemed to be turned off when I park my car. What's happening? Did she lie or maybe she fell asleep. It's no even 8 PM and it's not like Chloe to be sleeping so early. She's a night owl. I open the front door, hang up my coat and keys. I see a faint glow coming from the kitchen. She turned on our scented candles.
It smells like peaches.

I walk into the kitchen and see Chloe sitting at the table. A candle lit homemade dinner, and it's one of my favourites. Pancakes and a shit ton of syrup. Chloe stares at me with those bright blue eyes. "I'm sorry." She says.
She stands up and takes both my hands, making intense eye contact as she continues, "I'm sorry I reacted like an asshole. I should've let you finish. When I came home I saw the letter on your desk. I'm so happy for you, and I shouldn't have freaked out." The letter she is referring to was on my desk since yesterday. I had to process the good news myself, but also how I was going to break it to Chloe that this was an opportunity I couldn't pass up. A new art exhibition that will be held in Seattle wants my work. The organizers had called me last week, notifying me that I was one of the few they were planning to have install their photographs into the gallery. They just needed to know if I was willing to move there for a year, so I could be present at all the events and personally accompany my photographs. Chloe knows this was one of my biggest dreams, passing it up to stay here would've been foolish. At the same time if Chloe wasn't allowed to come with me it would've been a deal-breaker. She's the one I want next to me when things like this happen, I want her to see that she's part of my succes. After all, a big part of the photographs that will be shown are from our trips, some are even shots of just Chloe. She's beautiful to photograph, and amazing at posing. Even though she'd never admit that she actually likes doing it.

I am taken aback by Chloe's apology. Before I could say anything Chloe explains herself further. "I was afraid of loosing you even though you're not even gone yet. You're so special to me Max, I don't know how but I want to make a long distance relationship work, I..."

"Chloe." I start laughing. Partially because I'm so relieved she's no longer angry at me, and the other half for the fact that she thinks I would leave without her. I place my hand on her cheek, and stare into her eyes. "Do you really think I would leave without you?" She stares at me, I bet there's probably a hundred questions racing through her mind. "We've just started our lives together. I would have never taken that opportunity if it meant having to be so far apart from you"

"Are you saying..."

"Yes. You're coming with me."

She pulls me into a hug and holds me tight. She plants a kiss on my forehead and leaves out a big sigh alongside laughter. "Holy shit, I'm so relieved." She releases me, the smile on her face it makes me feel warm. "I mean, I'm still so happy for you, but fuck, Max please lead with that the next time. You got me shitting bricks a few hours ago."

"I didn't mean to scare you, or make you feel that I would abandon you." I take a step back. "That being said, you really hurt my feelings by storming off like that."

Chloe looks genuinely sorry. She takes my hand. "I'm sorry. I really am." She lowers her head and stares at the ground. "Sometimes... I can't really translate what I'm feeling into words, so I just explode and then afterwards it always seems like I got angry for nothing. I should've let you speak, I promise to do better." Her voice is so soft. She looks at me and I see this spark in her eyes. I didn't expect this conversation to go so well, I wonder if she spoke with anyone. Maybe reading my acceptance letter made her realize that we should be proud of each others accomplishments, and that no matter what we'll always be there for each other.

"Maybe we should continue the rest of our conversation over dinner. You know before the candles get wax all over your food." Chloe suggests. I really wonder what made her turn around like this.

We sit down and enjoy our meal. I ask her, "Chloe... Where did you go after you walked out?"

"I went home and talked to mom. She got really angry at me for being angry at you." Chloe sighs, and runs her hands through her hair. "The thing with my mom is, I always think she's wrong, but in the end she's always right." She takes a sip of her wine and looks at  me with a sad expression on her face. "So I decided to give listening to her for once a try. She told me I was taking you for granted. I got angry and stormed off but then it hit me, she was right." Chloe stares into a void as she continues telling her story, as if she's actively reliving that moment. "I went back, asked her how I could be a better partner. She told me to get my head out of my ass and listen, actually listen to what you were saying. And also that I should apologize, but I really meant it. I'm sorry for acting like a dipshit, what you've accomplished should've been celebrated not turn into a fight."

She lays her hand in the middle of the table, I grab it. We lock our fingers together and she squeezes my hand lightly. I can feel the underlying fear in her gestures. She's still afraid that I'm angry for her exploding on me earlier today, but I'm not. I want to move past this and work on us.
"I love you Max, and I can't wait to move to Seattle with you."

"I love you too Chloe, and I'm not angry." I give her a kiss. "I'm glad you listened to Joyce, I know you two don't always get along."
"Don't tell her that I actually listened, before you know it she will ask me to try and be bro's with David."
"I don't think she expects that from you, but don't worry. I can keep a secret" I whisper, and throw a wink at her direction. She smiles and I feel lighter. We continue to eat our dinner, cracking a few jokes in between bites.

The giant weights that were hanging on my shoulders this morning have finally been lifted. Chloe really showed me she's willing to work for us, and I'm glad she listened to Joyce. Joyce is one of the smartest, kindest people I know. Chloe has a big mouth and wouldn't like to admit it, but deep down she really takes after her mom, tonight was proof of that.

Hearts are never Broken {Pricefield} #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now