1 - how you meet

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It was your first day of UA when you were already running late. Instead bothering to run you decided to walk because you were already late anyways. You were listening to music and walking when someone crashed into you causing you to fall.

"Ow!" You groaned as you landed on your butt.

"I-I'm so so so sorry!" You heard a voice say as you looked up. It was a green haired boy with freckles. The more you looked at him the more you realized he was actually pretty cute. He helped you up.

"It's okay." You said with a small smile.

"Are you going to UA too?" He asked as he realized you had the UA uniform on.

"Oh, yeah I am." You said.

"Cool! I am too! What class are you in?" He asked.

"Class 1-B." You replied.

"Oh really? I haven't seen you before." He said slightly confused.

"Oh! That's because I'm new. I'm actually a transfer student." You said explaining. The two of you talked and walked to class with each other.


Authors note:
  f/n - best friends name
f/l/n - friends last name
l/n - last name
y/n -  your name

You and your friend were at the mall, shopping for some outfits for a school dance. You both spotted these 2 cute boys, one had red hair and the other had blonde hair. You guys all kept bumping into each other, it was extremely awkward. You guys kept accidentally going into the same stores, making eye contact, paying at the same time, leaving the stores at the same time, etc. it was getting super awkward.

You two were currently in line with the boys behind you. You and your friend were messing around and cracking jokes with one another. As you guys were paying your friend dared you to try and make conversation with the boys behind you. You immediately turned red at the thought of even talking to them.

"Are you crazy?!" You exclaimed.

"Oh come on. Do it." She insisted.

"If we bump into them again I will." You said as you immediately started walking away. You were praying that you wouldn't bump into each other again. You guys went to the food court. You guys were buying ice cream when you turned around and saw the 2 boys barely enter the food court. Your friend immediately nudged you. You stared at the boys until you realized you actually recognized them from somewhere.

"Oh my god (f/n) I think those are the kids who fought with those villains." You said. She turned to look at them and tilted her head.

"Oh yeah! I think they are." She said. As you guys chose to sit somewhere you guys got in the boys way as they were tryna walk past you.

"Oh sorry about that." You both apologized with a small bow.

"It's okay. It's our bad." The redhead boy spoke with a gentle smile.

"Tch..." the blonde boy said with his hands shoved in his pockets.

"Hey aren't you guys those kids who fought those villains?" You asked. Both the boys smiled, but they were completely different smiles. The redhead boys smile was more genuine and full of pride. The blonde boy's smile was more of a cocky smile.

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