6- you make him laugh

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~I can't think about anything I'm sorry😅~

You and him were currently training. You both usually trained with each other outside of school since you both are in different classes. You were trying out a big move on him but you accidentally missed and hit Midoriya who was currently just walking around the park with some friends. It sent him flying and crashing into a huge wall.

"Oh my god!" You exclaimed immediately feeling sorry. You heard Bakugo bursting out laughing.

"I am so sorry!" You yelled as you ran over to check on him. You could hear Bakugo still laughing. His friends carried him since he couldn't walk.

"It's alright, don't sweat it." Midoriya said as his friends carried him out. You immediately made your way back to Bakugo.

"Baku! It's not funny!" You scolded him as he continued laughing.

"It's hilarious!" He said as he laughed. You shook your head at him as he finally calmed down.

"Do you think he'll be okay?" You asked worried.

"Who cares? Are you alright? You didn't hurt your hand did you?" He said changing the topic as he examined your hands for any injuries.

"No I'm okay." You said as you lost sight of Midoriya.

"That was a nice hit. You should go hit him again." He said with a small laugh as you smacked his shoulder.

Endeavor actually came to school to give some of the students at U.A. some tips on combat and fighting. He was currently using you as an example and giving you pointers. You did put up a good fight against him but eventually he did win. He grabbed your arm and flipped you over slamming you into the ground. He was still holding back your arm, you felt like it was about to snap.

You're not gonna lie it did hurt a lot. Although you couldn't tell since you were still facing the ground, Todoroki was furious. He was about to walk over to you guys to demand Endeavor to let you go, but before he could Endeavor finally let you go. You quickly got up and rubbed your arm from the pain. Endeavor started scolding you and telling you what you should've done. He then asked if he made himself clear.

"Y-yes ma'am." You spoke. Your eyes widen as soon as you realized what you said. You quickly covered your mouth as Endeavor glared at you. You could hear snickers and laughter across the students.

"I-I-I-I MEANT SIR! I AM SO SORRY!" You quickly apologized bowing your head. You got a glare in return to your apology. You quickly ran to the group of kids from your class. They were all still laughing and to your surprise you actually saw Todoroki let out a small laugh.

"So embarrassing." You muttered to yourself as you facepalmed.

"Are you okay? He didn't hurt you too bad did he?" You heard Todoroki say as he approached you.

"Ah no, it's all good." You said with a reassuring smile as Todoroki glanced at your bruising arm.

"Do you mind?" He asked gesturing to your arm.

"Not at all." You said reaching out your arm to him. He made his hand cold and placed it on top of your bruise to help with the bruising.

Mineta was currently getting on your last nerve. Whenever the two of you talked it was either him being a pervert as you told him to knock it off or it was him making fun of you. Right now it was him making fun of you. He kept poking fun of your quirk calling it useless and saying you were weak.

"I-I mean come on! Look at your quirk! It's so stupid and useless!" He started laughing. You really felt like punching him.

"Oh come on, Mineta. Chill out." Kaminari said.

"Kaminari you know what I'm talking about. You really think her quirk is useful?!" He said still laughing.

"Before you start talking about useless quirks you should take another look at your quirk." You stated as you glared at him.

"H-hey my quirk is useful!" He yelled getting defensive.

"Sure it is... Not!" You said crossing your arms.

"At least my costume isn't lame!" He puffed.

"Oh come on, Mineta! Your costume is as lame as they can get." You said.

"It is not!" He yelled.

"It is too! You look like a kid who has a poopy diaper! You really think that's cool?!" You announced putting your hands on your hips.

"K-Kaminari! Are you gonna let her talk to me this way?" He yelled as he crossed his arms.

"Yeah, you started it. She's not wrong either you do look like you have a poopy diaper." Kaminari said laughing.

Kirishima was introducing you to a few of his friends Kaminari, Sero, and Bakugo. All of them were friendly expect for... you know, Bakugo. It didn't really get to you since Kirishima already told you before hand that's just the way Bakugo is. Although you couldn't help but to stare at Bakugo... more specifically his hair.

"Why do you keep staring at me?!" Bakugo barked at you getting annoyed.

Kirishima frowned as he noticed you were staring at Bakugo. He waited for your response a bit upset.

"Y-you really do look like a Pomeranian!" You yelled as you pointed at his hair. Bakugo's face turned a very bright red color obviously infuriated. All the guys started to laugh.


"Calm down Bakugo. I'm sure she meant no harm." Kirishima said with a sweat drop smile as he held you in his arms to protect you from Bakugo.

"Tch... I'm leaving! POMERANIAN MY ASS!" Bakugo yelled as he stormed out kicking a few chairs on his ways out.

"Ah sorry... it's just his hair and attitude reminded me a lot of my pet Pomeranian." You said with a nervous smile.

"It's all good." Kaminari said with a smile.

"I'm sure he'll get over it... eventually." Sero said with a small laugh. They both left shortly.

"Was that rude of me to say?" You asked Kirishima.

"Uhhh I don't think so. He sort of is like an angry Pomeranian." He said with a laugh as you giggled. He finally let go of you and kept hands by his side.

"So... is that the reason you were staring at him?" He asked nervously.

"Well yeah. Why else would I stare at him?" You asked confused.

"No reason." He said with a smile as you two began to walk.

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