2 - You transfer to U.A.

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~you already go to U.A.~

Both you and your friend actually transferred to U.A. at the same time. You both got placed into class 1-B, you then found out more about class 1-A from them. You also felt a little sad on how much the 1-B class gets so overlooked. You and your friend although managed to make a lot of new friends.

You finally were back in town with your mom. You just got back from Hosu city. You were moving to U.A. since you were now going to live near that area. You got assigned to 1-A but you didn't have to go until the next week.

You finally decided to chase after your dreams and apply to U.A. after spending time with that boy. There was just something about him that made you want to try and go after your dreams. It was the day when you finally received the letter from U.A. and boy were you nervous. You opened it to get a little video recording. You got accepted into U.A. it was like a dream come true to you. You ran out your room screaming and cheering ready to share the news to everyone.

Fun fact, you actually already went to U.A. you were just in class 1-B. You never really talked to anyone and always zoned out. Every time something happened to class 1-A or you heard about that class you never really payed attention. You were always zoning out and doing your own thing.

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