3 - You meet again

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You were currently walking to the gates since school was over when you felt your shoulder hit something. You quickly turned to apologize to whoever you bumped into only to find a familiar pair of green eyes looking at you. You instantly recognize who he was. His cheeks started to heat up as soon as he saw you.

"Oh! Hi deku! It's been a while." You said with a nervous smile.

"Y-yeah it has been a while." He said shyly as he started to avoid eye contact with you. 'How cute!!' You thought as you continued to examine his reaction towards you.

"Awwww, you're blushing! So cute!" You announced as you got closer to him making him back away more as his face got even redder.

"N-no I'm not... anyways, how have you been." He said changing the subject as he covered his face with his hands. You smiled at this and backed up a little.

"I've been pretty alright, how about yo-" you were saying until you got interrupted by a familiar voice.

"(L/n), why are you wasting your time on a 1-A student? Don't they get enough attention already." Monoma stated as he walked towards you guys. You simply just rolled your eyes at him and shook your head.

"Because I like him and he's cute." You replied as you brushed him off. He was about to continue talking until you cut him off.

"Stop being such a downer Monoma. I can be friends with him if I want to. Stop over reacting." You said completely shutting him down.

"Hey deku, since school is already out... do you want to hang out with me?" You asked hoping he'd say yes. He simply nodded and you both walked out of school together.

It was currently lunch time and you were hanging out with your friends. You all were walking to the cafeteria, you actually had to use the restroom so you stayed behind. Your friends went to go grab some lunch as you went to the bathroom. You normally didn't eat school lunch cause you thought school food is gross. You were walking out of the restroom when you heard angry muttering. You turned to see a familiar ashy blonde headed male.

"B-bakugo?" You called out, trying to see if it actually was him or not.

"...tch, what do you want?" He snapped. He didn't even look up at you he was just shoving papers into his bag clearly angry.

"Well, that's no way to treat someone who you haven't seen in a while. Shouldn't you be greeting me? I don't remember us starting off on the wrong foot." You spoke with a little sass but not too much.

He finally looked up at you a bit confused cause he usually hates everyone. You saw his eyes soften a little once he laid eyes on you. You reached your hand out to help him up. He let out a 'tsk' but accepted your hand.

"So, what are you doing here?" He asked you a bit confused.

"What does it look like silly? I come here now!" You said with a smile as you did a twirl showing off your uniform.

"Really? An idiot like you got accepted into U.A.?" Bakugo said unfazed.

"Ah come on Bakugo, don't be so mean." You said with a sweat drop smile. He simply let out a 'hm' to your response as you guys began to walk to the cafeteria together.

You walked into class shortly after hearing Aizawa announce the fact that there will be a new student transferring to their class. Aizawa asked for you to introduce yourself. You looked around and recognized a few people from the news and reports. You didn't really know any of them though until your eyes finally laid on the 2 split haired boy. He wasn't really paying attention, he had his head down and was playing with his pencil.

"(L/n) (Y/n)." You bluntly announced as all eyes were on you. The split haired boy looked up as soon as he heard your name. You took a seat in front of the half haired boy. The class continued as normal, a few people did walk up to you and introduce themselves. You made a few friends and got to know everyone.

Shortly afterwards class was over. You were packing up your things when someone tapped your shoulder. You turned around to meet eyes with the boy who you met at Hosu City.

"(L/n)? From Hosu City?" He asked you.

"Yeah, Todoroki right?" You replied.

"Yeah, that's me. I thought you lived in Hosu City?" He asked.

"Oh no, well... I guess in a way I do. My dad lives in Hosu City, I was just visiting him." You explained. Afterwards you guys got to know each other a bit more and became friends.

You were currently lost trying to find your way to your class. You kept looking around and walking 'class 1-a' you thought to yourself repeatedly. You were panicking at this point, you really didn't know what to do.

"I need some help." You muttered to yourself.

"I can help!" You hear a loud confident voice. You turned around to see a tall boy with glasses.

"Tenya Iida, class 1-a representative. With what do you need help with?" He asking as he fixed his glasses.

"O-oh well I'm actually a transfer student. I need helping finding class 1-a." You said as you showed your schedule to him. He grabbed it and skimmed through it and returned it to you.

"Well lucky for you, I'm also in class 1-a. I can walk you there." He said as he began to walk. You quickly walked after him. You made some small talk with him and then you guys reached the door. He opened it and allowed you go inside before him.

All eyes were on you, you felt a bit awkward and embarrassed. You weren't use to so much attention on you. You saw the Electric boy you met at the sports festival. He quickly got up from his seat as soon as he saw you.

"L-L/n?" He asked as he walked towards you.

"Kaminari?" You replied confused. You were overall relieved to know that you at least knew someone in that class.

"So you finally applied to U.A. I knew you would've gotten in beautiful." He said with a wink causing you to blush.

"Hi!!! My name is Ashido Mina." A pink toned girl announced happily. You smiled and told her your name. You soon were ambushed by all the girls in the class introducing themselves to you.

You were currently hanging out with your friends Kendo and Tetsutetsu. Tetsutetsu was telling you both about this one guy he befriended. He was telling you guys about how they both had similar quirks and became friends.

"He's a really good guy, you guys should meet him." Tetsutetsu said.

"Doesn't he come to U.A. you fought against him at the Sports festival right?" Kendo asked.

"Yeah that's the guy... speaking of him. Yo! Kirishima!" Tetsutetsu yelled waving at someone.

You guys got approached by a familiar redhead.

"Hey Tetsutetsu! What's up!" He said with a smile.

"Not much, I wanted you to meet my friends. This is Kendo and that is (L/n)." He said gesturing to the two of you.

"Yeah I know who (L/n), but it's nice to see you all." Kirishima spoke a smile.

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