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There was no knob or key hole on the door only a writing which said

"if lucem's stone is what you seek
A trial you each must complete
Though ice is known to not be hot
A fire of cold is what should be sought."

"A fire of cold what the hell does that mean?" D.F asked in frustration.

"Hmm a fire of cold..." Cally said with a distant look.

I recognize that look from Earth, she always had it whenever she was close to cracking one of the hardest questions in our assignments.

It was a look I loved because it meant I could just copy her afterwards.

"Back on Earth we have over a hundred elements right?" Cally said asking no one in particular but rebby still answered "yes"

"But Zack told me that on lucem they have over a thousand, and one of them is called pubenite okay?" She was pacing now as if trying to think faster.

It was obvious that the rest of us had no idea what she was saying but we just kept on nodding.

"Now pubenite is not like any other element because it is a type of fire when not yet processed but when it is processed the product from it is called pubenum and that is what powers the electricity on this planet" she stopped pacing to face us and get assurance that we know what she's talking about but anyone could've guessed that we didn't.

"Okay so how is this pubenite thing helping us" D.F asked slowly trying her best not to sound clueless and failing miserably.

"Oh I forgot the best part pubenite is also called cold fire because it burns at a temperature of -15°c"

"Okay so where are we gonna get pubenite down here" I asked.

"The torches on the wall came on by themselves showing a form of electricity and I want you to take a minute to think about it there are about fifty torches lining the walls but there is no feeling of warmth" she kept talking to herself "why because the torches aren't dispersing heat but rather cold because these torches are in fact made of pubenite. boom!" She faked a mic dropping while I rolled my eyes and took on of the torches hanging on the wall and Sure enough it was cold to my touch.

I waved it in front of the door and the door emitted a dim glow before creaking open.

"Well done cracking that one madame Sherlock Einstein" Hailey said smiling.

We all walked into the next room and this one was nothing like the last.
It was arranged like a fancy ballroom.

On the wall was a writing

"Well done for the first trial you did complete
The second has everything to do with feet
The dance you seek has a simple beat.
But miss a step and admit defeat"

"Okay so I don't have to be a genius to know that this trial is about dancing" D.F said.

"Well in that case you should let me do this" rebby said "I've been learning lucemian songs and dances ever since we got on this planet and I'm pretty sure I know most of it"

"Yeah but the creepy writing said miss a step and admit defeat sounds like this place is rigged with booby traps if you miss a step you could get really hurt or worse" I said

"So I won't miss a step" she stepped forward and as if the room had been waiting for us to decide a light music started playing from nowhere and floor showed footprints like the ones dance teachers use in teaching the waltz.

"Oh I know this one it's the drase" she said excitedly "it's like the waltz but it's slightly different and a little bit faster"

"Okay then I guess this is your trial" I said and stepped back.

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