Chapter 3: A hard training for Ashley!

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Previously on PI:

I remember my name.


-AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! *groans*

-Mayl! I-! What..!

-So she finally shows up.

-There's so much see! C'mon, this way! This way!

-If the legendaries summoned her with a purpose, why is she wandering the wilds alone?

-How have you been?

-Just fine - great, actually! I remembered my name when i woke up this morning! My name is Ashley!

-Well that's great news. It feels like we're meeting the real you now.

-Goodbye, Ashley! Don't get lost without me! I'll be back before you know it!

-Bye Mayl.. I already miss you..!

Now on PI:

Back in the tower, the wisesses were discussing with Ashley about her amnesia. "So, uh... what do you think?" asked Ashley.

"You're an odd case for sure" responded Naive, "You remembered your name this morning, but ONLY you name.. Did you hear it in a dream perhaps?".

"Well, not really.." anwsered Ashley, "I had a dream, but it was weird, like.. i'd never had one like it before. There was.. phsyco space, shooting stars, fireflies and silence. But the air felt heavy, and my head started to hurt bterribly- i think i woke up from the pain, and it was like i suddenly just.. knew. I could remember!".

"...How strange" Tales thought.

"Well, Ashley.." said Arlo, "We don't have much to give you right now, but we have been doing some research on the matter. This morning we stumbled upon something that may lead us in the right direction to helping you".

"..What is it?".

"Have you heard the village gossip about the recent market theft?" questioned Naive, "Attempt at thief, rather".

"Oh, yeah.." said Ashley, "Mayl told me all about it earlier".

"Perhaps not ALL about it" he said, "Mayl wasn't present at the incident; she's been relaying secondhand accounts on what happened. But Tales here WAS there, and she saw the thief for herself".

"Er-!" gasped Tales, "Um.. y-yeah.. At the end i did..".

"..But.." asked Ashley, "what's that got to do with my amnesia?".

"We think that thief may be suffering the same thing that you are" explained Naive.

"What-?! Really? Who are they-" she gasped, "Do i know them?".

"All we know is that Tales overheard him claiming an incredible amnesia in his pleas for pardon" he said, "He seemed in as bad a state as Nett found you, and we have a hunch you two must be connected somehow".

"If we're going to find any anwsers to this, we'll find them with that thief" said Arlo.

"But Battle Team Shadow never caught him, right?" question Ashley.

"This is correct, but he is still in the area" said Nine, "This region's police issued a bounty over his head just a few days ago".

Ashley, with convience, told them "I want to help catch him".

Chapter 3: A hard training for Ashley.

"I'd hoped you were the brave type" hoped Naive, "The message i sent with Mayl is going to Officer Calhoum, local chief of police. I told him that i would be sending a team down to work with his crew on apprehending this criminal, but under the condition that my team brings him back to Mountian for... questioning".

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