Chapter 12: Pt. 2

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At space, Eris heared about the heroes too, "Ahh. Your friends have arrived, my partner Ares!".

"We made a mistake, Eris!" said Ares, "We ruined peace in Mountian Village! Ashley and her friends want me to fix this. And you have, too!".

"Why? We're doing this in the name of good!" said Eris.

"This is wrong!" said Ares, "We must fix the damages we've caused with no good reason!".

"Are you telling me what to do?" grumbled Eris, "Meddling pokemon must not tell any of us what to do! If some legendary pokemon have poweful beings, they can't be kind with these little friends. And even if they're kind, they can't have powerful beings. You can't be either, Ares!".

"Maybe. But we have to be kind with them!" Ares explained, "That's the only thing that could make them happy again! Everything we made was wrong!".

"Most of us may do things wrong, but the only one who's wrong is YOU!!" shouted Eris, "You were trying to defeat me numerous times! And now were we want to help them?! Why won't we fight this time and see you could finally defeat me!".

"I don't wanna use force!" said Ares. But Eris said "STOP SAYING THAT SAME EXCUSE! You don't understand the future of pokemon! One of us must die and I'LL be dead if it's me! And you don't wanna be that pokemon who could die! No! You wanna be the strongest pokemon in the world?! So be it! LET'S DO THIS!!!!! *throws SHADOW BALL at them but Ash pulls Ares' back to control him like a horse*". The battle began and Eris tried to ambush them, but Ashley did everything she could to make Ares dodge him.

"What are you doing?! Is that you were thinking?!" said Ares.

"Sorry, but i wanted to help you dodge him controlling you like a airplane!" said Ash, "Don't worry, we will stop him!". Ares barely agreed. While he was throwing DRAGON BREATH, he told her how to handle him. She did and used him to dodge Eris' attacks and hit him.

"Before we continue, why won't you defeat him?" asked Ashley.

"Because he has the same powers that i have!" explained Ares, "His tecniques were just like mine, including legendary pokemon's tecniques!".

"B-But how?!".

"Eris has the power to control time and space like i do. He was corrupted, you see. And now, his selfishness would take him destroy this-!". But before he would finish, Ray screamed of danger and everyone dodged it.

"Trying to get away, huh?!" chuckled Eris. He threw a powerful move to destroy them. But Ares dodged it and ran to the asteroids. Ash have a sudden idea: they hid in one of the meteors and waited Eris' attention. When the Palkia walked past them without warning, everybody used their ultimate attacks to hit him.


Eris, furious, looked at his face and saw that he lost his eye by the attack, but lit up inside, "YOU IDIOTS!! That is a REAL mistake!!".

"You think so?!" said Axl, "Listen! We just want you to fix this and fast!! We need to work together!!".

"It's because you don't want to fight, eh?!" grumbled Eris.

"W-We... We don't!!" Ash said as she helped Ares dodge Eris' HYPER BEAM. Eris chased after them, "YOU WILL WHEN YOU KNOW THE TRUTH!!!".

Meanwhile, back on earth, the pokemon watched with shock the splendors in the sky. Everyone wanted to know if they were okay, but also prayed for them to finish it. Back in the battle, Ares shouting ENERGY BALLS at Eris. Dodging them, Eris used SHIELD to protect himself. He shouted "Today, we'll finish this!!".

"Eris! Why must we fight you?!" shouted Mike, "We're not enemies!!".

"Shut up!!". Eris only charged his powerful weapon to destroy them. Ash thought they couldn't stop it, but anyway she decided to be part of it and called "STOP THIS!! STOP THIS RIGHT NOW!!!!". Eris stopped and didn't know why. She explained that legendary pokemon with different species must work together and fix the damages what they've caused. She didn't want any of it to get even more wrong, so she begged them to fix it. Eris learned of his mistakes and the battle was cancelled. He felt sorry and thanked them to save their lives. He told them that the Giratina called Giro lived in the Distortion World and told them where to find him. Everyone agreed and Ares called "Hold on! Next stop: the Distortion World!".


End of Pt. 2!

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