Chapter 10: Pt. 1

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Previously on PI:

-Stop running away Alice and fight me!

In the skies...



-What's wrong, leafeon? You attacks look FUNNY!

*Ashley gets hit by NIGHTMARE*


In the shore...

-T-Thank you.. sir!

-S'no problem! My name is Float! It's easy when you're awsome as me!

-We were trying to protect Alice, but Darkrai... well, i thin that he ambushed her and cursed our friend Ashley to sleep.

-What the-?! Really? What are we gonna do now?

-We need to keep fighting.

-Now hold on a moment, Axl! Your friend is in the dreamland, right? We can't fight without here!

-WHAT?! What the-?!

-He's right, Axl. You're always been a weaker fighter and I've been too than must of us, Ash AND a thief like me. So... what can YOU do about it? Will you fight... or retreat like you said to Ashley while fought Shadow-?

In the walk...

-What? Who are you? Are you gonna tell me out of this, too?

-Axl, when you last discharge your fire powers?

-Wha-? I-! I didn't-! I just...

-I see. That explains your aggressive behaviour. Your have a rebelious stray coming from you veins..

-And your telling me i'm too dangerous?

-No, Axl. Quite contray, i think we are going to need that power in this battle. I think only you and i are capable of fighting it. But your anger... i know what it is like to fight while blinded by rage.


-But i also know what it is like to fight for a loved one. I will help you, Axl. Because i don't want you to share my suffering the same fate. I want to talk with your friend inside her dream.

-W-What?! Really?!

-Yes. I need to go because she needs you. Alice needs you. EVERYONE need us...

In Ashley's dream...

-Who are you? What happened? Where are we?

-I'm Andross and this is a dream. Darkrai cursed you to see and live eternal nightmares.

-E-Eternal... nightmares?

-Yes. But i entered your nightmares and i was able to turn them into the serene world. I'm so sorry, Ashley. This is all i can really do.

*remembers* AXL AND LEX! THAT'S IT! Andross! Are they okay?!

-Whoa! Whoa!! WHOA!!! Yeah they're fine! They found you underwater and a floatzel named Float helped them escape from the 'dark one'! Alice the Cresselia is the only one who can cure you.

Back in the reality...

-Darkrai! Let's settle this once and for all!

-HAH! You're still here? I should have killed you when i had a chance, but i didn't!

During the fight...

-Yes.. So long, kid!


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