Chapter 15: The Eternal Battle!!! Pt. 1

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Previously on PI:


Naive, the wise leader of the wisesses, lied the good people of the pokemon world into thinking that he was the protector of Mountian Village, and that he and his company were trying to save the village. Then, he furiously struck, terrorizing merchants and travelers. He wanted to control the world of pokemon by getting rid of Ashley and her friends. Now, Ashley defeated Naive and heard a voice coming from her head. The brave last members of Ranger Team Ilushioners were gone for a long journey and figure out the voices they heared last time.

But looks like Azurania and Flamerania were ready for them. AND for theirselves...

Now on PI:

In the long journey, Ashley, Axl and Zero investigated everywhere, defeated enemies and followed the giant footprints. Axl was terrorized, "Uhhhh... Ashley, we should supposed to get here. It looks dangerous..! We should come back home a-a-and-!".

"Don't you worry, Axl! We need to find the weapon and the eternal war is over!" said Ashley, "If we don't, then the world will be destroyed! And we don't want to let that happen!".

"She's right, Axl!" said Zero, "We need to reason with them! Then, everything will be fine. Otherwise, they will start to be friends and never hurt anyone again!".

"Y-Yeah... I think so, too" said Axl, "I mean, they be friends together..". Suddenly, a flying beast wooshed by. *WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSSSSSSSSHHHHH!!!!!!!!* They fell in shock as the pokemon landed on two volcano irrupting in the distance. Ashley realized about the beast, "That's Flamerania! He must have landed over there!".

"Really?!" gasped Axl, "I don't think it was safe there!".

"Oh, c'mon! We don't need to waste our time!" said Zero, "If we enter there, we may find Flamerania and reason with him!".

"C'mon, let's go!". Ashley, Axl and Lex decided to enter in the first volcano to find Flamerania.

Chapter 15: The Eternal Battle!!!

Four floors they past and they saw a terraplin on lava that leaded to the stairs. Axl did not like that, "Girls! Be careful! You're taking this seriously!".

"Why? The terraplin was very stable here!" said Ashley and made a STRONG bump with her foot to the terraplin, but it didn't broke.

"See? This takes us to the next floor! C'mon, Axl, let's continue on!" exclaimed Zero. Axl slowly touched the terraplin and huffed with relief, and then followed them to the next floor. In the next floor, they fought enemies and were close to the highest wall. Zero gave Ashley a boost to high floor and jumped high enough to catch her paw. Axl nerviously jumped to the wall and climbed slowly to high ground. Ash gave him her tail so he could climb better and he bit it, although it's made of leafs and burned.

"OMG! Your tail's on fire!!" she exclaimed.

"I-I know-! Can you-! Gah! Can you put it out?!" said Ashley. Zero used a bit of WATER GUN to put the fire out of Ash's tail. She told her to be careful with the fire and carefully put a vend to her tail. They kept moving to the next floors almost to the top.

"We finally.. at the top.." huffed Axl in the top.

"I can almost see the other volcano!" Ash gasped as she stared at the next volcano.

"Is that what we are going next?" Zero asked.

"Yeah!" said Ash. Zero stared at the large lake of lava, "Wow! Look at all that lava!".

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