Chapter 12: Pt. 3

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They made to the Distortion World and Ares and Eris left it to them. Ashley said with determinace, "There's where Giro the Giratina was living and everything was distorned!".

"Yeah. There's a void down there" warned Miguel, "We need to make sure we shall stay away from it. Because if you slip in, you might never return. Ever! It was sad for some of us, because they didn't pay attention to this warning and died!". They went for a cautioned walk. Suddenly, they heared a ROAR coming underneath them. The floor went black and in there eyes and a smile appeared from it. It appeared Giro the Giratina!

"Giro! Why have you done this to Mountian Village?!" asked Ashley.

"I was born for!" Giro roared, "I was hurting very much people because they've HATED me!! And now, i'll make you pay the consequences of your stupidity!! BEHOLD THE POWER OF MY PURE HATRED!!!". He transformed and threw SHADOW BALL at them, but everyone dodged it.

"Wait, Giro!" said Miguel, "I'll finish this! Just leave this to me, everyone! This is strictly between me and him!".

"Well, well! You want to do this alone?!" said Giro, "Fine then. Don't you dare say i didn't warn you!". The two pokemon fought and fought, but it seemed that Miguel couldn't defeat him. As he threw ENERGY BALL at Giro, he simply hit him with his tail that threw him to one of the pieces of the ground. Miguel, weak, tried to get up, but he couldn't.

"Miguel! Get ready to prepare for your demise! I'm going to prepare you your OWN grave!!" shouted Giro and charged SHADOW BALL. But...


"Don't hurt them!!" shouted a voice. It was Jaffar! He's alive. And even Gill, who followed him.

"J-JAFFAR!! IT'S YOU!! A-And Gill?!" called Ray.

"Don't worry! We're here to help ya, right?" chuckled Gill.

"Ah. Your friends were here to help you! At least, you won't die alone!!". Giro threw his prepared SHADOW BALL at them. But the two dodged and helped Miguel escape from him. The furious Giratina chased after them and tried to stop them, but Ashley singed GRASS WHISTLE to calm him down, "I-! I can't-!".

"Woah! That GRASS WHISTLE just made him not attacking Jaffar and Gill with Mike!" Ray laughed, "You're really awsome!".

"GGRRRRHHHH!!!! I WON'T LET YOU WIN!!!!!" shouted Giro, "I'LL NOT FOOL AROUND FOR THE FRICKING LIKES OF YOU!!!! I WILL CRUSH YOU LIKE WORMS YOU ARE!!!! I. WILL. DESTROY. YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! *charges HYPER BEAM but his power was leaving him* I-I... can't.. do it..!".

"H-Huh?!". Ashley was so surprised for what she saw that she asked why. Giro said "I-I just acted like a monster that caused your own precious village a sea of flames! But what else even worse i can do?! I just can't *sob* *sob* stand be hated by pokemon that only are happy and enjoy together without me!! I-I CAN'T!! I CAN'T!!! NO! I can't live that way, just i can't even control myself! I make everyone suffer, break their dreams, their wishes, destroy their villages and even killing innocents!! AND EVERYONE WILL PAY THE PRICE!!!! *SNIFF* How can i live that way, without anyone that loves me? This is... impossible...".

"I-I'm.. so sorry! It's okay! I like you" said Ash, surprising him, "I learned about you a-a-and.. you look even real than i expected. We just... want you to help..".

"R-Really?! Why?".

"Because you're more powerful than any strong being in the world of pokemon! That means you're more special. ALL pokemon were, too. You see, fear was nothing more than an emotion that tries to corrupt our happiness. I always liked stories, but yours is really amazing. You can still change the future!".

Giro smiled and, remembering, he couldn't hurt anyone instead of get the enough happiness. He learned his lesson, "Right. Thank you. We'll help you turn your Mountian Village a safer place!". He took them back to earth and asked Ares and Eris to help. They gave them some wood, some materialsand everything. So, they reconstructed the whole village and told the people who left it return. Everyone did and saw that their precious village was restored, but also saw scared the three powerful pokemon, paralized.

"Don't worry! They're now our side" Ashley called, "They're not our enemies! The only thing they learned is that we and they would live together, in peace! We need to work together and be happy with them! No more hating or fighting, but the only thing is that the future of the world of pokemon would change forever! They are the guardian of time and space, although are monsters!".

"She's right!" Naive called, showing up, "All pokemon have to stay together with them! Not always the future of the pokemon would be amazing and great. Legendary pokemon with different species must work together and fix the damages what they've caused. Is hating them what make you happy?!". Everyone was silent, listening.

"The happiness doesn't part of the hate or thrumph in this world!" he continued, "The friendship come from the love to others, especialy with these pokemon. The happiness is more powerful than any negative emotion. So, what can we do?! Let's work together! The love will last forever!!". And all the pokemon cheered and the officers of the land agreed. Ashley hoped that Ares, Eris and Gill would be proud of it. And that night, they WERE proud. They stopped for a sit as they saw the people dancing and enjoy theirselves.

"Mountian Village is not a simple village" said Ares.

"It wasn't, but home for all pokemon!" said Eris.

"Yes. Yes, it is!" laughed Gill. Ashley looked at the sky and saw the three grateful pokemon flying away. And now, she was happy to live as a pokemon with all his friends and parents that called their precious Mountian Village "home".

Secret ending:

Back in the tower, Ashley was on bed and then Ray came. She invited her for a walk and Ash went. The leafeon asked the furret what's wrong and she said "My time with you is over..".

"What?!" gasped Ashley, "But we promised to be friends!".

"We were friends" she smiled, "Someone said in a dream that my race was about to cease, and now it is. I need to go back to my world now. When the light surronds me, it means that i have to go".


"Yes, it could take 10 seconds to find me ad take me back to the human world. It could be quick, but it take me hours to return..".

"Y-You see, Ray. I want to go back to the human world, too. I want to see my family and my pokemon friends again. But.. But...". Suddenly, Ray began to glow and slowly floated to the air. She promised not to leave her alone and to be fine. As last words, she thanked her and disappeared goodbye. Ashley, hit by her words, began to cry and collapsed to the ground, "R-Ray? Ray! RAAAAAAYYYYY!!!!!!!!".

End of secret ending.

To be continued...

Review for Chapter 13:

I'm Tales, member of the wisesses. Our leader, Naive, planed something to make everyone benefit: his govern! He wanted to make sure that nobody interferes with our plan to conquer the world. Meanwhile, Ashley and her friends were told to tell a Ho-Oh, a pokemon that grants wishes, Mountian Village will be a better place for the world of pokemon with it's help. Unfortunatly, one of them could sacrifice himself to do it. Just then, we are ready to take action...

In the next Chapter of Pokemon: Ilushioners:

A theif's goodbye...

Pokémon: Ilushioners II A new legend beginsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora