Chapter 10: Pt. 2

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The next morning, the two teams prepared theirselves and went to the volcano. Suddenly, Axl saw Ashley's ear torned up, "Oh! Your ear!".

"Oh it's just a scratch! I'm fine!" she laughed, "Remember our promise? The only thing that matters is that we will stay together and remember when you've loved me".

"O-OK.. Right.. Let's continue on" Axl agreed. Everyone stood before the entrance of Magma Cavern, "There.. the Magma Cavern!". Before the entered, they huffed for breath and got their weapons ready. In the Magma Cavern, they fought magma pokemon and found treasures. They went tired by the heat, even Zero who collapsed, "Uhhhh.... U-Ugghhhh..!!".

"Oh no! Zero!" Ash gasped, "We need to cool her up, but not too much! Bring water and throw it to her!". They obeyed and throw water to cool her up. Zero thought that, despite the cool up, she couldn't walk, so Ash decided to take her with her back. They continued and made it before the entrance of a cave with Ignitus inside.

"This must be it... Ignitus the Groudon is in this underground cavern!" Ashley said, "Look at those rivers of lava...".

"Yeah, but be careful!" Tornado told her, "It's too dangerous! I've been studying about that Groudon. He never has been calm all this time. We need to calm him down!".

"O-Oh! Ok!" Axl agreed, nerviously, "We need to do that, very easy on him".

"Alright, guys!" Ash said, "Let's go!". They entered with caution and slowly found magma everywhere. Ash remembered that place in her dream. Suddenly, the lava began to bubble and then a Groudon came out of the lava! They couldn't even believe it!

"RRRGGGHHH!!! Why have you ALWAYS returned?! ALL OF YOU?!?!" Ignitus the Groudon shouted furiously, "How dare you disturb me in my sleep?! No matter who it may be! It was all your fault, little girl!".

"W-W-W-W-WOAAAAAHH!!! You look bigger than me, really!" Ashley apologised, "I know you don't want me here, so calm down!".

"I don't NEED to calm down!" Ignitus shouted, "All i wanted was protect this place. If you weren't made it this far to disturb me, i'd be in peace! But NO! You just wanna piss me off again and AGAIN AND AGAIN!!! And you now what?! Forget leaving me in peace! I WILL MELT YOU LIKE LINGOTS OF STEAL AND IRON!!".

"W-W-Who are you?!" Ash cried.

"My name is Ignitus the Groudon and I SHALL DESTROY YOU FOR MY SLEEP!!!!". Then, the powerful beast attacked! 

Chapter 10: Pt. 2: Omega Ruby!

He used SLASH but everyone dodged him. Ignitus jumped after them and suddenly threw up a weird attack, MUDDY WATER!

"Woah!" Ashley barely dodged it, "What was that thing?!". Ignius was about to throw up MUDDY WATER, but Tornado threw ELECTRO BALL at him. It seemed easy to beat him up.


"Phew! Just in time!" Tornado laughed, "Anyway, guys! We'll beat up this guy ourselves! Type advantage!". Suddenly, he felt that Ignitus was going to do something.

"I'M NOT GONNA GO DOWN THAT EASY!!!" Ignitus shouted while charged a powerful move.

"Oh no.. I know what's he's doing..." Lex said worried.

"What is it?!" Ray called.

"It's EARTHQUAKE!" Axl shouted, "And it's very...!". But before he would finish, Ignitus the Groudon caused the BIGGEST EARTHQUAKE ATTACK EVER!!

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