33. Waiting For You

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As I arrive to school on Wednesday, Abigail greets me with a smile, and I'm reminded of our conversation from the day before, when we both shared personal details we'd been keeping from each other. I feel our friendship, and my friendship with Hazel, has been strengthened these past few days, and even if I remember that Allison and Juliet are slowly fading out of my life, I am thankful to still have two people close to me, the two friends that have been close to me for many years before I met Juliet and Allison.

The hallways are busy as girls mingle and grab their books before the first class of the day. I shut my locker with a sigh, hoping neither Aurora or me will have an excuse to not walk home together today. It feels like years since I have seen her. I check my phone once more. No texts. That must be a good sign.

Then, I catch sight of red hair. Shoving my way through the crowd, I nearly barrel my body into Aurora's, crowding her into a corner. She's taken aback at first, probably uncertain that it was me initially. I know I can't kiss her here. I know I can't seek her comfort. Instead, I lean into her body and shove my head against her chest, wrapping my arms around her. A hug will have to do for now.

I'm afraid she won't reciprocate, but eventually, I feel her hands pressing into my back. The hug is short, not nearly as long as I want it to be, but when we break, Aurora gently grasps onto my arm.

"We'll talk after school, okay?"

I nod, immediately comforted. The day cannot go fast enough. Classes are slow and a struggle to pay attention to. Allison and Juliet don't join us for lunch, which doesn't surprise me. Hazel tries to comfort me about it, but I admit I'm not even upset. In fact, I feel relieved, like I'm not walking on eggshells around them anymore. Afternoon classes drag because I am constantly thinking of what I'll tell Aurora later in the day.

When the bell does ring, I rush, sprint, faster to my locker than I probably ever have. Probably faster than the last day of finals, when I'm usually in a rush to get away from the school. Still, Aurora manages to get to my locker before I'm completely done putting my things away.

"Let's go to my house," I say, as I make my way toward the school gates.


"I need to talk to you," I tell her.

"But, Callie, isn't your family home?" she asks.

I pause, cursing to myself. While we would maybe get a half hour of freetime, my mother picks my siblings up from school and then stays home for the evening, and I'm not so sure my siblings would keep their tongue if I brought Aurora home.

"Shit, you're right," I grumble.

"Let's just go to my house," she suggests.

"Are you sure?" I ask.

"You can't stay long. My parents will be home in an hour or so," Aurora states.

"Okay," I agree.

We don't say much on the walk to her house. I'm surprised Aurora doesn't question why I even suggested we hang out privately in the first place. If this morning's lingering hug was any indication that I was upset, she seems to get it now. Because as we approach the neighborhood, she even grasps ahold of my hand, only letting go when she fumbles with the house key.

Eventually, the door opens, and I am greeted with the familiar fresh lilac scent of her home. Her cats begin to meow as soon as we enter, though Aurora is quick to scold them that their dinner isn't for another hour.

I head upstairs with Aurora, still silent, and set my bag down on her bedroom floor. Aurora sits down on her bed, and without asking, I sit beside her, dangling my legs back and forth as I sit. Aurora's fingers gently trace my face before I turn toward her and begin kissing her. I hold her close to my body as our lips clash, having not felt her warmth in far too long. When I am out of breath, I shove my head into her shoulder, feeling her fingers lightly stroke my upper back.

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