Something is Wrong

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I sat on my bed in silence as the girls moved around me. I had asked them to not tell anyone and they had agreed. Even so, I was sure Momo would end up telling Recovery Girl about what had happened.
Tsu laid out three futons on the floor and placed little pink pillows on each one. Momo sat on the floor below me and checked my bandages to make sure they wouldn't come off in the night. She looked up with worry in her eyes.
"How long-" She started, but thought otherwise. I glanced down at my arms.
"3 times," I whispered. Momo nodded but I doubt she understood.
Tsu spoke up next to me. "And I bet one of those times it wasn't to get the attention of something or someone."
I nodded a tiny bit. And the conversation ended there. There seemed to be many things they wished to ask me but couldn't. We all slept on the futons, with me in the center. I closed my eyes, expecting for sleep not to come, but when I opened my eyes again, it was morning.

Tsu and Momo left to get ready for school, and I was once again alone in my dorm. So quiet.
I stared out the window, looking at nothing in particular. The frame was polished with specks of dust clinging to it from lack of cleaning. I noticed something small had been tucked into the window frame.
I pulled it out carefully and realized it was a note. I read it slowly at first, presuming it was something the constructors of the building had accidentally left. My eyes widened when I saw what it said. I read it over and over several times before I was sure.
Dropping it on the bed, I got up and grabbed a small bag , shoving things inside quickly. Then I put on my shoes and left with the note in hand.
Toga had Deku and I was going get him.

I stepped off the train and looked around til I found a small house at the edge of the forest. It's yellow paint was peeling and it looked old.
I nervously stepped up to the door and knocked twice then once then twice again. The door opened with a loud creak that echoed through the building. Whoever was in here knew I had arrived.
I checked the note once more and flinched when the door slammed behind me. I turned and saw no sign of someone there.
Looking around, I saw dusty furniture that covered in musty sheets. In the center of the house, the roof had caved in.
Something seemed off here, I could smell something odd in the air. There was sudden movement across the room and a pair of glowing orbs stepped toward me.
"I'm glad you came, I've been waiting for you," a male voice spoke. Definitely not Toga, who was this guy?
"Where is Deku?" I asked, trying to sound intimidating. He laughed.
"Woah, woah, woah. Hold on a second." He said. "Let's not get to greedy." He took a step forward into the light. I gasped.
"Seiji?" He smiled and took off his hat.
"The one and only." He said with a little bow. His violet hair was cut a bit shorter then I remembered. It framed his face, making his eyes the center of attention.
Blood-red eyes. I stepped back. "What happened to you?"
He smiled again, showing off a pair of pearly white fangs. "Let's just say I had a change of heart." He moved closer to me.
"Where did you take Deku?" I asked, my voice shaking. He frowned.
"That question again?" He sighed. "You really don't give up Ochaco." His pace seemed to increase and I walked backwards faster.
He smirked at my expression. "So eager to leave, are you now?" I could feel something horrible coming off him in waves. "Well I'm sorry, but I can't let you go."
My back hit the door and he put his arms up on either sides of me, pinning my arms down. He moved in close and my breathing turned shallow. He looked at one of my arms and ripped back my sleeve, exposing the bandages.
He smiled. "I see you've been doing horrible things to yourself." He pulled off the cloth roughly. I winced as the wound reopened.
Blood dripped down my forearm to the floor. "That looks bad." He whispered, inhaling deeply. I stood, frozen in fear. Vampire.
He leaned forward and licked the cuts. I gritted my teeth as pain flared along my arm. He laughed loudly.
"Ahhhh! Yes! I see why Himiko likes you so much!" He looked at me with pure joy. "Your blood is simply divine!"
He leaned in to lick my arm again, but before he could I brought my knee up right where it hurts. He yelled and released me. I pushed him away from me and tried to open the door. Locked.
He chuckled. "You think I'd let you get away that easily?" I turned around as he ran towards me. Quickly I put my hands together.
"What?!" He cried out in frustration as his feet left the ground, and he began to float upwards.
Unfortunately his surprise didn't last long. I watched as his left hand detached from his body in pieces, and flew right towards me. I managed to dodge them easily nonetheless.
"Ha! Did you think you could hit me that easily?!" I smirked. He glared at me.
His gaze moved behind me and my eyes widened. I turned around quickly to see his hand hit my leg. Immediately, it began to swallow me.
"No!" I yelled. I fell over and my hands flew apart, releasing Seiji. He laughed as he walked over to me, squatting to meet my eyes. I stared at him with hatred. He smiled once again.
"Honestly, don't take it personal," He said, mockingly. "You put up a good fight. I guess you just weren't strong enough."
His quirk had reached my arms now. "Now you'll be coming with me." He put his hand behind my head and leaned in close. His lips pressed against mine. I could feel his quirk filling up my throat, working faster with his touch.
He moved away. "Goodnight." He said, just as my vision turned to darkness.

Hello again! Back again with a new chapter. I almost forgot about this actually 😅 Whoops. I hope you all enjoyed this (despite how weird it was). Until next time, luv you guys! 💕

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