Reunion and chaos

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I turned when I heard my name. That voice...
A small figure was sitting on the ground, moving closer, I realized my suspicions were true. It was Midoriya.
As I moved forward, a wave of freezing air made me shiver. The green-haired boy was sitting on the floor with his head down, like he was sleeping, but I knew he was very much awake.
I sat in front of him and gently touched his shoulder. "Midoriya?" His gaze slowly moved up to meet my eyes. Instinctively, I moved back.
Dark purple circles hung beneath his blood-shoot yet tired eyes. His emerald hair had grown quite long and it shadowed the hollowness in his face. His body looked frail and unbearably pale. He looked crazy and extremely unhealthy.
The corners of his mouth moved up in a smile when he recognized me. "Todoroki," he said in a raspy voice that hadn't been used in sometime. His expression changed from relief to worry. "What are you doing here?" He repeated.
"I'm not sure..." I confessed. I looked around. Darkness surrounded us, besides this one spot that was lit with a small light. "Where are we?" I asked, turning back to face Midoriya.
"Not sure," he responded in barely a whisper. "All I know is that you shouldn't be here."
Those eyes again... They were empty and appeared to be elsewhere.
I noticed something just then, his teeth when he spoke. There weren't fangs. "What happened to you..." I spoke without realizing it.
His quickly switched to the ground. "I- I don't really know, sorry."
"No no, it's alright," I reassured him. I let out a sigh.
We sat in silence for awhile. So many questions on the tips of our tongues but no way to ask them. Instead, we let our minds wander. I frowned.
"Something bad must've happened," I thought aloud. "I just can't remember."
Midoriya nodded. "I feel like I should know what has happened to me all this time, yet it's all so blurry." He fiddled with his fingers as he spoke. "All I can say for sure, is I'm somewhere deep underground." He shivered.
"How long have I been here?"
Midoriya looked up at me. I looked at him with sadness. "A few months at most."
"Months?!?!" His eyes widened, looking away from me. "I've been here for months?!?! This can't be right!" He stood up. His voice was gradually getting louder, and he trembled with fear and anger.
"It's not real. It's not real. It's not real." He brought his gaze back to me. "You're not real."
"That's it! You're not real! None of this is!"
"That's why I'm still stuck here, because none of you have come to save me! You never even tried!"
"No that's not-"
"SHUT UP!!!" He yelled and his eyes turned red, making his vampire features return as well. He gasped, his expression turned from anger to shock as his fingers crept up to his throat.
I stood up, knowing what that meant. Midoriya made a choking sound and began furiously scratching at his neck, starting to draw blood. I took a few steps back and his eyes locked with mine.
"" he choked out before letting out a blood-curdling scream. Without a second thought, I turned hard on my heel and bolted as fast as I could into the darkness.
I could hear Midoriya's screeches become farther and farther away until it all seemed to cease. Still, I kept running to create distance between us. I ran and ran until my lungs gave out, and I stopped to catch my breath.
What had happened to Midoriya? Why did he suddenly lose control like that?
There was a shuffling sound to my right. I took shallow breaths and turned my head. It was so dark, I couldn't see anything.
Footsteps. Unsteady but coming closer and closer. I held my breath. Then they stopped.
I stood in silence and stared into the darkness searching for something, anything.
I waited until my lungs felt like they were going to burst. As quickly and quietly as I could, I released the breath and took another gulp of air.
Suddenly I was pushed to the ground from my left. I could feel Midoriya's hot breath on my neck as he held me down.
"You can't hide from me," he whispered in my ear. Pain flared across my neck and I screamed.
Suddenly, I opened my eyes and found myself in a new place. It felt like my entire body was on fire this time. The bite mark was still there on my neck.
"Crap" that's all I thought before I passed out once again.

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