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I woke up to screaming.
My body felt cold. I was sitting in a large cage by the looks of it. The room I was in was dimly lit with lamps along the walls. My ears pounded with the awful sound of that screeching. I turned to where it was coming from.
A second cage sat next to mine and the person inside it was none other than Todoroki. He looked like he was having a seizure, shakily clutching his throat and screaming bloody murder. His eyes were like pools of darkness.
I covered my ears, knowing full well there was nothing I could do to help him in the position I was in. I was pretty sure I knew what was happening, and I didn't like it.

Himiko stared at me silently. Her eyes bore into my skull as she carefully pulled a card out of her hand. It was a blue six.
"Uno," she whispered, still staring at me. I looked down at the three cards I had.
Red five, yellow plus two, and blue reverse. I pulled the blue one out and placed it on the pile carefully, then I drew another card. I into her eyes as I put down the card I drew. "Yellow."
She glanced at her single card and frowned. She looked back up at me, a sad look on her face.
Toga suddenly slammed the card into the table, revealing a yellow eight. "HA! I win again!" She said triumphantly. She made an "L" shape with her right hand and placed it on her forehead mockingly.
"Wow, very mature," I tossed my two cards into the table. She laughed and watched me collect the cards into a neat stack.
"So," she began. "Have you found my little Deku yet?" I glanced up at her and shuffled the cards.
She stood up. "Then what are we waiting for? Let's go get him!" I put a rubber band around the cards and sighed.
"So you finally get him back," I said, looking up at her. "Then what? His friends are stupidly loyal, they'll just keep coming back to "save" him." She sat down.
"Whats your point?"
"The point is, we have to take them out of the picture." I explained. "Then the only thing we'll have to worry about is those pesky heroes."
Himiko picked up a wine glass filled with a red liquid. "You've been working behind my back, haven't you?" She took a sip.
I remained silent. Toga leaned forward and whispered. "What did you do?"
"I captured the floaty girl and Endeavor's kid." She looked pleasantly surprised. "They're currently with the nomu we caught." She thought for a moment then frowned.
"Hasn't the Shoto boy already escaped by now, considering his quirk?"
"I don't believe he will escape. However, if he does word will spread. And maybe more villains will pop up." I leaned back in my seat. "It's quite risky, I know, but we're in a good hiding spot and we've got plenty of blood to last us months. And if that ever does happen, there's a possibility we could try and sneak in, through all the chaos and retrieve Deku."
She smiled at that thought and took another sip of her drink before speaking again. "Okay, I trust that you've thought it through. You may move forward with your plan."

Darkness surrounded me, and my body felt unbearably cold. A feeling of dread shadowed over me. I stood alone in an empty void of nothingness. A figure appeared, walking towards me. They stopped a few feet away from me. "What are you doing here Todoroki?"

Uncovered Secrets (Vampire Deku au)Where stories live. Discover now