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I watched as Uraraka stepped off the train. She walked away, turning her head from side to side anxiously. In her right hand, she clutched a small white piece of paper.
I waited a few seconds before also leaving the train and ducking out of her peripheral vision. Ochaco walked quickly, looking around behind her every few seconds. Somehow, I managed to stay hidden from her. After what seemed like forever, we finally reached a small house.
It looked old with peeling, faded yellow paint and a few broken, dusty windows. She knocked on the door a few times, and the door swung open with a loud creak. She checked the paper once more and stepped inside cautiously. I tried to follow her but the door suddenly slammed shut.
I quickly ran to the window to try to look inside, but it was way to dirty to see through. I went around to the back of building a found a hard steel door.
'Why would a door like that be here?' I touched the door handle and jumped back gasping. It was hot from the afternoon sun. Gently blowing on my burnt fingers, I wrapped it up with a white cloth and tried the door again. It was heavy, but I managed to open it.
The inside of the house was dark. I could hardly see two feet in front of me, even with the open door. Next to me, was another window, covered with a thick sheet. I ripped it down and let the light come in. It was still quite dark but my eyes soon adjusted.
I began walking around for the entrance of the house, when I accidentally stepped on a hollow-sounding board. I looked down at my feet and saw cut in the wood big enough to fit my fingers inside.
I quickly debated on whether is was worth checking out, before gently lifting the hatch and setting it aside. A creepy ladder lead the way to a dark basement. Last chance to change my mind.
My foot hit the first step, and then the second and the third. It wasn't very ling before I reached the bottom, stepping into something wet. Immediately disgusted, I got back on the ladder and gave myself some light. A red liquid streaked across the ground and ran deeper into the dark. One breath in. One breath out.
I began carefully following the trail, trying to avoid the liquid when I heard yelling from above. I had barely enough time to react before it stopped as quickly as it had begun. I continued despite that, hoping nothing had happened to Uraraka.
A new sound came to my ears. A muffled scratching sound. Something large was there. Light shined back at me and I soon came upon a huge cage. The scratching sound grew louder and something moved inside.
I inched one of my lighted fingers through the thick bars. The dark figure moved towards me a bit, enough to see a large nomu with bulging eyes staring back at me. It snapped at my hand and I jumped back with a small yelp.
I watched as it retreated back into the shadows of the cage with a huge grin on its nasty face.
There was a sudden shuffling behind me. Before I could turn around, a loud sound filled my ears followed by a brief instance of pain. The light flickered out and my vision went dark.

Seiji dropped the pan he was holding, and caught the boy as he fell. A smile slid across his face.
"Who knew I would find a rat scurrying around down here?" His laughter filled the room. "You'll do nicely."
He set the boy down in a sitting position and leaned over him, gently touching his neck. Seiji grabbed onto him and bit him. Blood filled his mouth and he sighed at his thirst finally being quenched.
He let go and stood up, wiping the blood off him mouth. Shishikura walked up to two empty cages hidden behind the first. He tossed something small into the first one and locked it.
He grabbed the boy laying on the ground soundlessly and threw him in the second cage. After locking it, he reached his hand though the bars and touched the boy's face.
"I hope you survive this, Todoroki."

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