The Watch

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Tik tok tik tok.
The small ticking of the watch echoed in my head. My thoughts were gone along with the voice. All there was, was the watch.
Tik tok tik tok.
I stared at it blankly. At some point, my eyes recognized my distorted face in the darkness.
Tik tok tik tok.
Dark circles hung below my emerald eyes, red veins creeped out from the corners. I looked crazed and starving. My cheekbones seemed to stand out more.
Tik tok tik tok.
My collarbone clearly stuck out from the shirt that was definitely too big for me now. When had I become so skinny?
Tik tok tik tok.
There it was again. A small tap from the mirror a few feet above where I sat. It was like someone kept tapping the glass with their fingernail. According to the watch, it occurred every 2 minutes and 53 seconds, about as quiet as a pin dropping.
Tik tok tik tok.
I started at my reflection in the watch's face. My face stretched, my features lengthened and twisted, until the person in the reflection wasn't me. It was someone familiar and kind. Camie, from the exam. She smiled at me sweetly, before blood ran down her neck and from between her lips. Her eyes ran crimson with blood that escaped looking like ruby tears.
Tik tok tik tok.
Do you hate her? She spoke softly, but her mouth didn't move.
But she betrayed your trust.
She didn't. Her mind was not her own.
She hurt you.
Do you want to know?
Know what?
How I died. The image on the watch swirled into a new image. A girl with blonde hair, held in messy buns, in the arms of a man with violet hair covering a single eye.
It was him.
Tik tok tik tok.
The girl changed into another woman, Camie. The man that held her from behind leaned in close to her delicate ear. He whispered something that made her smile and close her eyes. His hair covered his face and he smiled maliciously.
Tik tok tik tok.
Something in him changed in mere seconds.
Tik tok tik tok.
Something monstrous and terrifying.
Tik tik tik tik.
The clock stopped. And a moment of silence passed. It was like slow motion. He opened his mouth, and with his fangs exposed, he bit her.
He teeth pierced her shoulder and blood flew from the sudden wound. She screamed and trashed only turning the small wound into something larger.

Warning: mild gore

The flesh on her shoulder peeled back like an orange peel. Blood sprayed everywhere, covering their faces with the crimson liquid. In one swift moment, he ripped off the skin. Her screams turned blood-curdling. He released her and watched her muscles contort as she fell to the ground.
Her cries for help had already died down quite a bit. She watched as he slowly bent down to touch her bloody face. Then he leaned down and bit her neck with a loud crunch. And continued to drink the remaining blood in her veins

He killed me.
I could only sit and watch as the rest of the scene played out.
Seji. Why did you do that?
Tik tok tik tok.
Why did you kill me, Seji?
Tik tok tik tok.
I don't know.
Tik tok tik tok.
I don't remember.
Tik tok tik tok.
Why do you kill?
Tik tok tik tok.
I don't.
Tik tok tik tok.
Why do you kill?
I haven't killed anyone!
Tik tok tik tok.
Why do you kill? Why do you kill? Why do you kill? Why do you kill? Why do you kill? Why do you kill? Why do you kill? Why do you kill? Why do you kill? Why do you kill? Why do you kill? Why do you kill? Why do you kill? Why do you kill? Why do you kill? Why do you kill? Why do you kill? Why do you kill? Why do you kill? Why do you kill? Why do you kill?
Tik tik tik tik.
"I DON'T KILL!!!!!"
She'll do the same to you.
The watch shattered in my hands.

She flinched at the sudden outbreak, her hand quickly moved away from the glass.
"That's quite interesting." He said, scribbling some notes on the paper. Her hand shook, she  held it still.
"Umm, SirNighteye?"
"Yes, I know BubbleGirl," he pushed up his glasses with his ring finger. "The subject appears to be experiencing major hallucinations." He looked down at his clip board.
BubbleGirl looked worried. "Shouldn't we give him something to eat?" Her voice shook.
"No, I still would like to see if he can go even longer without blood." He placed his hand on BubbleGirl's shoulder. "Just three more days, then you can do what you want with him."

Yes I have TikTok. Will I be telling anyone about it, no I will not. And if you do manage to find me, don't tell me you came from here.
Sorryyyyyyyyy!!! This chapter is so overdue, I apologize for making you all wait so long! (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞
Thank you to the person who reminded me of an important factor I needed to incorporate! This probably didn't explain his feelings well enough, so I'll add on to it in another chapter.
That is all, until the next update!

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