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i was so sad to hear that harvey couldn't move in with us, but i got it as we probably didn't have enough space in our house for 5 more people. so i guess i understood why we couldn't. "hey dad" i asked as i walked through to the living room, where my dad was sitting with harvey and a social worker. "sweetie can this wait, we're in the middle of something" he asked me, "can you just make sure he's safe" i asked. my dad nodded "we're doing the best we can to give harvey the best group home we can" my dad smiled and i nodded before i walked back to my room.

when they were all finished my dad came and got me from my room. "sweetie that's us done, you need to head back to your mom's as i have to go back to work. kacey has offered to drive you" he smiled, i was assuming kacey was harvey's new social worker. "okay dad" i smiled and got my stuff before walking to the car. i got into the backseat next to harvey, he looked terrified. "it's okay, you're going to be fine" i smiled as i touched his hand, on top of his shaking leg. he just gave me a worried look, i tried my hardest to make him feel better. "here you go madison" kacey smiled at me, i nodded and opened the door, getting out the car. "i will see you soon" i smiled at harvey and got my stuff and walked into my house.

i was dreadfully worried about harvey, i hadn't heard from him in a couple days, we had a week off school and he's been silent the entire time. maybe he was actually just having a really good time and didn't have time to text me. i'm sure social services wouldn't put harvey in a place where he's in danger. i tried calming myself down by watching a movie. it was quite funny and for the time being got my mind off harvey.

"honey dinners ready" my dad called, it was my dads weekend with me, i was going back to my moms on sunday to get ready for school the next day. "dad" i asked about halfway through dinner. "yes sweetie" he smiled "is harvey okay" i asked, i just needed to know. "honey, harvey is in the safest place he can be right now" my dad smiled. "i'm just worried" i looked down at my plate of food. "i know, but you'll see him when you go back to school, and he'll be fine" my dad smiled, i looked up and gave him a weaker smile back. he pulled me into a hug. "you're so caring" he smiled as he kissed my head. "now eat up" he said, we both laughed a little and went back to eating.

kill me on the brightsideDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora