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it was my first day at this new school, i was so nervous but actually kind of excited. i did feel kind of bad for leaving madison but she was being a bitch and plus lily told me i had to move because it's too much hassle to get me to that school. this school is closer to where i live and it's right next to the school everyone else goes to. i didn't want to be the quiet kid anymore, i was more confident now. i wasn't hiding a big secret, i was free.

i got to school and went straight to the office, they had my timetable. i collected it and checked what i had. my days weren't too bad. not long after the bell rang and i headed to form, i walked in and the teacher smiled at me. "you must be harvey" she asked me, i nodded. "right you can take a seat up next to james" she smiled, i walked up and sat next to the boy she pointed to. "hey wassup" he said "hey" i smiled. "you like new then" he asked me, i nodded. "that's cool, you know your way around" he asked "nah i've never been here before" i told him. "well i'll help you, so will my friends" he smiled. "sounds cool" i said.

after form james took me to my next class, luckily he was in most of my classes. "aye james who's this" someone asked as they walked up to us. "it's harvey, he's new" the boy nodded. "well i'm callan" he said in a thick scottish accent. "what you got" he asked me "uh, biology" i told him. "oh fuck me, that's good. biology's just a skive" this callan guy told me. "well i'll see you at break, have fun fags" he said as he walked away. i laughed a little. james took me to biology and we both walked in, for some reason we were late "sorry were late sir, i was helping harvey find his way around" james smiled. "well that's very kind of you, go and take you seat" he smiled, i just sorta stood there. "right you can sit, next to anthony" he pointed to a guy with blonde hair. "alright" i said as i walked up and sat next to anthony.

it become lunch and i had already made a good bunch of friends. "right harvey come with us" callan said as he walked over to a wall and jumped over it. a couple people followed him "go" james quickly shoved my closer to the wall. i gripped onto it and pulled myself up, being met by everyone who'd already jumped over. "come on we gotta be quick" callan smiled as we started walking. we walked all the way to the town centre. "right harvey, have you ever smoked" callan asked "no" i told him. "well we do and we're not saying you have to but it would be cool if you at least tried one" callan said as he offered my a cigarette. i took it, i was in a sort of fuck it mood where i didn't care what i was doing. "here" he said as he passed me a lighter. i lit the cigarette and took an inhale, i coughed a little. "it's alright you get used to it" callan smiled as he lit one as well.

we turned back up at school at the very end of the day, i'd never skipped school before but it was quite fun. lily's car pulled up "right harvey see you the morra" callan shouted as i got in the car. "good first day" lily asked. "yeah"

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