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once madison got out the car we drove away, i was sad but i didn't let that show. we stopped off at my house and i grab a backpack of clothes that i had already packed, i always wanted to get away i just thought i'd have to run away. then we drove to the home "right harvey, we're here" kacey smiled as she got out the car. i got out as well. i looked up and saw a biggish house with bikes in the front garden. "come on let's go in" lacey smiled. i followed her into the house "hello! lily?" she shouted. suddenly a woman appeared, she looked about mid 30's with, light brown hair and hazel eyes. "ah hey kacey" she smiled and they gave each other a hug. "and you must be harvey" she looked at me a smiled. "i'm lily, i run this place" she smiled again. i gave her a weak smile back, looking immediately back down at the floor.

"do you want to see your room" she asked me. i nodded slightly, me and kacey followed lily into a room. it had 2 beds in it. "you will be sharing a bedroom with miles" she stated. i went and put my bag on the bed she'd told me to. "trust me, everyone here is super nice, and usually about once a week or so someone like kacey will come around and check up on the place" lily said as we walked back to the main part of the house. "is that okay" she asked me, i slowly nodded. "right you can go mingle with the other kids, they're just in the living room" lily smiled at me, i turned around to the living room door and slowly walked forward. "not much of a talker then" lily muttered. "no, he's quite quiet" kacey replies. i opened the doors and the room exploded with kids doing all sorts. i turned around and kacey waved me into the room. i sighed and walked in, closing the doors behind me.

i found the quietest place in the room and sat there in a ball, not talking to anyone. the quietest place just happened to be the windowsill so at least i got to look out the window. "hey" i heard someone say, i turned around and looked at them. it was a smaller girl with pigtailed in, she reminded me of megan. "why are you here" she asked me, i didn't respond. "you know i'm here because my mummy and daddy argued" she said as she jumped about a little. "well, bye" she said as she ran away. i turned my head to look back out the window. resting my head on the glass.

a while later lily came into the room. "right everyone, it's time for lunch, so tidy up in here and come outside for some lunch" she smiled, everyone started cleaning up and jumping around. within minutes the room was completely empty, it was just me. i heard the door crack open and i looked over, it was lily, "harvey, are you not coming to join us" she asked, actually sounding like the cared, i shrugged. "i think it would be a good chance for you to get to know some of the other kids" she smiled and leant on the back of the sofa. i sighed and looked back out the window. "okay, you don't have to. but if you're hungry there's fruit and crisps in the kitchen or you can come outside" she smiled and walked away. i smiled a little, she genuinely seemed like she cared about me and she seemed like a really nice person.

i had sat in the same spot until dinner time. "right everyone wash their hands and come down for dinner, it's risotto" i heard lily shout. she poked her head in the living room door. "harvey you coming to join us" she asked me, i contemplated it for a second but nodded. i'd never had risotto before, i didn't even know what it was. i walked through to the room that had all the chairs and one big table in it. i've never had one of these rooms before. "so as everyone had noticed we have a new housemate, his name his harvey and i assure everyone will make him feel welcome" lily said as she served the risotto.

when mines was placed down i looked at it. i hadn't touched mines and everyone else was eating theirs. "try it, it's nice" the same girl from earlier smiled at me, she was sitting right beside me. i took my fork and picked up a little bit. i felt like everyone was staring at me like they knew i'd never had this before. i tried the bit i had in my fork and it had weird flavours. it was cheesy and like some other taste. i didn't like it very much so i only had a little bit. i gave the rest to the girl sitting next to me. "i'm lia by the way" she smiled as someone was cleaning up the plates. i smiled a little at her, she also seemed really quite nice.

after dinner i went to my room. i put my backpack at the end of the bed and lay on the the bed. "ah, not unpacking i see" someone said as they walked into my room, i shot up and looked directly at them. "i'm miles" he smiled, he was a little short with bleach blond hair. "so why are you here" he asked me, i didn't respond. "i saw you talking to lily earlier. don't bother about her she talks non stop" he laughed. "how old are you" he asked me, i still didn't respond. "the oldest person in here is me, i'm 11" he stated. "i'm guessing you're older than that" he laughed. "well, now you're the oldest person in here" he smiled at me. i looked at the floor. "you really don't talk much do you" he said as he stood up. "well i'm going to have some chocolate cake, you want anything" he asked me. i still didn't say anything. he shrugged and left the room. i could tell he was going to start to get annoying.

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