The Pleasure in Pain...(Draco Malfoy love story) - Acceptance

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A/N: I DO NOT OWN HARRY POTTER! none of the characters are mine, only the slightly changed plot! Ah well!

Chapter 3-Acceptance

As Hermione and I walked behind McGonnegal to the Head Prefects' compartment I was thinking about the last thing that had happened, we were friends now! One step closer to my ultimate goal! As we walked into the compartment I had a sudden thought.

"Wait, does this mean we have to share a common room?!" I blurted out.

"Yes you do!" Proffessor McGonnegal said. I sighed and thought about how hard it was going to be, having to be around her all the time. I looked at Hermione and she looked a little flustered as well. When the old Proffessor had left the room, Hermione stretcheed out on the seat.

"I've been dreaming of this for years!" She stated. I chuckled at the thought of that bushy haired first year sitting dreaming of the Head Prefects' compartment on the train. She gave me a strange look that only made me laugh more. When I managed to stop laughing she just looked at me.

"What?" I asked her as she continued to stare.

"I was just thinking of that girl you're so in love with, she really is very lucky you know. I was wondering, who is she?" She finished off.

"Um well...I...She' see...its just..." I trailed off awkwardly.

"Oh it's not that hard really! I mean I have had a huge thing for Ron since fifth year!" She admitted. As she said this my heart sank. She didn't have feelings for me, but why would she? I tortured her since her first day at Hogwarts! Which was uncalled for, not to mention cruel! "If I feel it's safe to tell you that then surely you can tell me who you are so in love with!" She anounced. I suppose what she said is true, but I'm not ready to tell her. Not yet.

"I'm not sure I'm ready to tell anyone who she is, but I promise that you will be the first to know when I am!" I compromised. She looked thoughtful for a moment before stating,

"I suppose its a start!" And leaning back onto the comfy seat. As she slowly drifted off McGonnegal came back with our badges, as Hermione was asleep I said I would give her her badge when she woke up. I stood up and rootled [looked] around in my bag until I found a decent book and sat down and started to read.


When Hermione finally awoke from her excedingly deep sleep I handed her the headgirl badge and we went out on our first patrol. As we walked down the train, passing through the caridges we talked about this and that, how Pansy was now in Azkaban along with Blaise and Goyle, two of my closest 'friends' from the past years at Hogwarts. I laughed at the fact that they were only my friends because they were scared of what my father could do to them if they hated or ridiculed me in any way.

"So how come you didn't get a punishment? Like your mother and father did?" Hermione asked after a while.You may think it is a touchy subject for me, which it would be, if I cared about my father.

"Well I had to go to court, but when they saw the evidence that I had been kicked out they let me go. My mother is under house arrest, has had her wand taken away and is about as much good as a muggle! Father is going to be given the Kiss and is in Azkaban for life." I said quietly, not really caring what happened to father, but mother had been the only person to help me through those times, the only reason I stayed alive was for her! Well its all in the past now. As we continued walking along the train we bumped into some Slytherins who were walking back to their compartment

"Oh look, its the blood traitor and the mudblood! How sweet, I think they like each other!" One of them sneered.

"I think your right" the other one laughed menacingly. I simply sighed and told them to go back to their compartment.

When Hermione and I got back to the head prefects' compartment I sat down and thought about what I would do at meals, when I had to sit with the other Slytherins. This was going to ba a long term! I don't think that I could bare having that torture every single day.

A/N: hello my lovelies! I am sorry it has been so long since I have uploaded (on all my stories! :/) I will right that asap! the reason being my laptop was broken but my brilliant father has fixed it for me! how do you think the story is going??? do tell! I have the next chappy all planned out so I will right it soon before the idea goes away! thanks for reading!!!!

<3 u all!


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