introduction to me and my story

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I wanted to start this of with an aesthetic picture that makes me think way too much about fall out boy's album mania.

I mean really watch the purple smoke! 

Yes i know me fangirling about any other band than bts does probably not belong in a bts fanfic. Well deal with i love too many bands and I WILL express my love for them. So I also know you aren't here to listen to me about anything but this story but idk I thought I'd do a nice intro (yes i realize this might not be super nice but frankly idrc you can always skip this). So I started writing this 'cause guess what? I'm stuck at home 24/7 and since i have zero shits to do I thought why not. 

Disclaimer: I'm not a professional writer, wow what a spoiler! Bet you didn't see that one coming huh? 

The story is a soulmate au and if it wasn't obvious yet, I don't own these people. only the people me and my friend came up with are mine. What I'm writing also obviously not how they would react in real life and the story I made up didn't really happen. hope you enjoy!!!

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