Chapter 18: Scarlet

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As my eyes shot open I felt sweat lingering on my skin. My pajamas were soaked. My heart was beating a hundred per hour. I shook my head reliving the things I saw in my dream. With a huff and a silent sob I let myself fall back into the sheets. Again, I had the nightmare again. Why? I turned around with another sob. I can't wake Jungkook. It was already so late tonight. He needs to sleep and be energized. He barely had any sleep yesterday. I already feel bad as it is, I woke him up yesterday, that's bad enough. 

I heard some shuffling on the other side of the room. Freezing up I wonder what could have awakened Jungkook. I tried to cry as silent as I could, over all I tried to be as silent as I could. The bed dipped next to me and I felt the covers move. Suddenly two strong, muscular arms wrapped around me as I heard Jungkook say "It's okay princess, go back to sleep." with a kiss on my temple he continued, "I'm here, I'll fight the demons off for you." My heart was still racing from the dream I had just encountered and went even crazier after hearing Jungkook say that with his deep, sleepy voice. But jungkook's arms wrapped around my waist gave me a sense of security. Partly due to the sleep lingering in my eyes, I believed him. I know he would be here to fight of whatever was waiting for me. " 'm sorry for waking you up." I whispered snuggling deeper into Jungkook's embrace. I could feel the warmth radiating through his t-shirt. And even though he was wearing a T-shirt I could still feel his abs hiding underneath. I never was one to get overwelmed by six packs. I believe they are sometimes a bit excessive and too much. But laying here in Jungkook's arms it felt nice. This felt nice. He felt nice. "Don't feel guilty. You can wake me up anytime. I sleep way better cuddling with you anyway." I heard the smile in his voice when he was telling me this. My cheeks heated up, turning a scarlet color. I guess I've read about couples cuddling and seen movies where it happens. But is this really all that cuddling is? I've never 'cuddled' before. I mean I have given people hugs before. But cuddling? That sounds so intimate. It feels intimate. 

"What happened? in your nightmare I mean?" Jungkook whispered. After thinking for a few seconds I reply "I don't want to talk about it." I'm scared. I don't want to face any of it. Can I just continue to live without these memories resurfacing? "It's okay, I get it. You can tell me when you're ready. Wether that's in ten minutes or in ten years. I don't care." He sounds so genuine. Nodding in his chest I feel my eyelids starting to drop. And slowly but surely the world around me turned black and I drifted off to a peaceful place. A place without haunting nightmares this time.


I am standing in the merch stand. John the merchandise guy is explaining what my job is for today and the rest of the tour. Which is basically just ask what they want, ask the size, hold the merch up so she or he can decide and then accept the money. It's not really computer science. Then he goes on to explain who comes in first which is basically: first the early acces people come in. They have some time so we can calmly do our job. Then everyone comes in, a really busy time "But you just oughta keep calm" John says. "Then the concert starts and only parents come. If you want to take a break you should do it then." I nod knowing I can take my studywork next time. "And then finally after the show it's the same thing as before until we're sold out or until there's no one left. 99% of the time we're sold out about twenty minutes after the concert. Any questions?" John asks. I shake my head, understanding fully what I have to do. "Do you want anything to drink? We have fifteen minutes before early acces comes through the door." "Yes actually." I stand up ready to follow him. "I'll get the drinks, there has to be someone trustable at the booth." He winks at me before looking at the other helpers who are staff from the theater and not from BTS. "What would you like?" he continues shifting his gaze back towards me. "Oh, eum... just a water." He turns around and when he's out of sight I hear one of the girls calling out to me.

"Hey, you newbie!" A girl with blond hair in two little buns exclaims. I turn around knowing they mean me. "I didn't know there was going to be hired anyone new." Oh she thinks I'm part of the Theater's staff. Scratching the back of my neck I reply "Well I was hired by BTS so I'm just here for the day." She nods smiling at me "Welcome for the night then." Another girl, a girl with blue dreadlocks in her otherwise brown hair, looks at me with fronsed eyebrows. "But I was here yesterday as well and you weren't here?" she questions. What do I say to that? I don't really know what to say to that. Luckily a boy with brown curls answers for me "Violet came yesterday, I saw pictures on fan websites were she was awaiting her." I nod before realising what he said.

There are pictures? Of me? Damn. People are going to start asking questions that I'm not ready to answer. Wait, if there are pictures of me, does that mean there are also pictures of Yoongi and Jungkook? That would immediately raise suspision. Because why would Jungkook be there if the other guys aren't there? And I'm there as well so they might figure it out. I mean I've heard stories about army knowing everything by looking at every single detail. Fuck. 

The blue haired girl speaks up again "I'm so jealous. You get to travel with the BTS!" Chuckling I respond "You are a fan?" She nods her head vigorously, "Obviously, they are the best. I mean listen to their music, look at their looks, look at their dances!" she looks up with stars in her eyes. "Who's your favorite?" I ask curiously. "Yoongi, definitely Yoongi! I always hoped we'd be soulmates, even though I'm younger than him, I hoped we would be the exception. But I am glad that he has found Vi, he really loves her and she really loves him." Wait she's glad they found one another? Wouldn't she be mad that it's not her? I mean that's what you hear on the news. Jealous fangirls stalking Violet and sometimes even going as far as hurting her physically, though that only happened once. But she gets so much hate and people hurt her a lot mentally I think. I don't live in her head, but that's what I would assume. "You're not jealous?" I question. "No, well I mean how magic would it be if I were Vi, but I'd rather have him live with Violet and have a happy life instead of me being with him and never being fully satisfied." 

If Jungkook announced that he found his soulmate, would people react like that aswell? Or is she an oddity, a one in a million. She is very likeable and even though some fans hate her most of them adore her.  "Okay, okay Lily that's enough, I think we've talked about BTS enough for tonight?" the blonde haired girl looks at me and the boy, the boy nods quickly. They've clearly heard her talk about BTS before. Lily pouts slightly but then smiles afterwards. "Okay, tomorrow again!" She winks at me with a smile. 

Turning to the blonde girl I say "I'm Alex, you don't like BTS?". "I'm Kayla, that's Lily and he's Lucas, and no not really, I like real music." when she says 'real music' she looks at Lily with a teasing smile receiving a playful glare from her. It's obvious that they are friends and have known each other for a long time. They're kind of like me and Faye only a few years older. But they seem to really get along great. 

I feel a tap on my shoulder and as I turn my head I see a glass of cola. I look at John with questioning eyes. "I think I asked for water." he gives me a smile before responding "JK thought it was better to give you something with sugar in it, to have lots of energy for your first day. He seemed kinda nervous for your first day." He shrugs taking a sip and handing my glass to me. The cute idiot. I take a sip before I hear a hord of girls talking and screaming. There we go.

A/N: Normally I don't like to time travel. But the first part was just a little too short. Normally What the first part is I would have for half of a chapter.

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