Chapter 15: Crimson

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"So is there anything you can tell us about the upcoming album? Army around the world are curious to know more." The interviewer asked. She was a woman and she had a beautiful chocolate brown skin color and afro curls. She just looked really gorgeous. She is wearing a Blue dress which contrasts beautifully with her skin. There's make up on her face, but it isn't caked. Any woman would wish to look like her. Well I wished I'd look like her. 

She was nice when we came into the studio. Smiling sweetly, almost too sweetly. She introduced herself. Checking out each one of the boys. Until her gaze landed on Jungkook. That was the turning point. The moment I started to dislike her. I don't know if her gaze even left him for even a second after that. Biting her lips. 

I know I shouldn't be jealous, but she seemed to really have a special interest in Jungkook. You'd perhaps think Jungkook would say something about it but no he just smiles and scratches the back of his head. Does he not see her hungry gaze. Like girl, keep it in your pants. A bit of professionalism please. Now she's been looking at him the whole time. Giving him extra time to answer questions and just being unfair. Get your own man. I mean not that Jungkook is my man. I don't own Jungkook. I don't even want a soulmate. I am not jealous. I'm not. It just annoys me that she doesn't give the same attention to the others. That's unfair. I'm not jealous, I never get jealous.

"We can't really say a lot about it yet. We'd love to. But we're waiting for the official time, because if we say something now that is not the same on the album we'll have promised something that we can't make true." Namjoon replies to the question even though the interviewer her gaze was on Jungkook the whole time. Seemingly urging him to answer, just like she has been doing every time now. "So the idea you have right now can still change?" she replies finally looking at Namjoon instead of Jungkook. A breath leaves my body, a breath I didn't even know I was holding. I'm just relieved that she at least spends some time on the other boys. "Yeah, of course we have ideas in the beginning, but they can still change over time." Of course the moment her gaze finally leaves him he decides to speak up and answer, getting her gaze right back on him. Like he wants her to only spend time on him. Like he likes the attention. He probably does. Not going to lie. She is gorgeous. If I was in his place I'd want her attention.

But just seeing her look at Jungkook made my skin crawl and my stomach burn with anger. Who does she think she is? She can't just go around and look at guys that aren't hers. Definitely not with that gaze. It seems like she's undressing him with his eyes. The only person who can do that is me.

Wait no that's not what I meant. I just mean that. That she doesn't have the right to undress people with her eyes. Yes that's the reason. I'm NOT jealous. I don't even want a soulmate why would I be jealous. I'm repeating myself, aren't I?

The interviewster then started playing with a strand of her hair, looking at Jungkook seductively. That was the last straw. I couldn't look at this anymore. I'm leaving. I'll just go and sit in the suv. 

Sitting in the suv I decided to call Faye. I needed something to distract myself. After three beeps she finally picked up her phone. But it wasn't Faye. Her brother picked up the phone. "Hey Alex." He said. "Hey Simon. Is your sister around? I called her right? I didn't put in the wrong name right?" I asked Simon. Simon was Faye's younger brother. He used to think me and Faye were dating, it has kind of become a joke among us. "Yeah, yeah, right number. Faye is on the toilet." "A little bit too much information, you could've just said she was away for a few." 

"Simon! What are you doing with my phone? I'm away for two minutes! Two!" I hear Faye's voice screaming at her brother. The view changes and Faye's face comes into view. "Hi, omg, You fricking promised you were going to call yesterday, what happened I was worried sick!" Faye's voice comes booming through the screen. Making me smile. She might act like she's mad but I know better. "I kind of had a panic attack when getting to the hotel... And then I fell asleep. Sorry." I told her. "You had a panic attack? Again? I thought they had stopped. Are you okay? I'm sorry I wasn't there for you."  "I know it's only been a day, but I already miss you." She's always there for me. And now I kind of feel like I left her. "Aww, you're gonna make me cry! But I miss you too. LA is not the same without you. But how is tour life, spill the tea darling." Of course. She wants to know the gossip. But honestly I get it. If she'd be on tour with panic! at the disco or all time low or fall out boy, or god knows who, I probably would've wanted the details as well. "What would you like to know? To be honest I could just say anything you want and you'd never know if it's true or not." I replied laughing at the end."You wouldn't lie to me? would you?" at this I wiggled my eyebrows suggesting that I would. Even though I would never. Okay maybe I would but only if it were necessary. Like if I was dying and she'd ask 'How are you feeling?' I'd just say 'I'm fine.' But that's only because I don't want her to worry. 

"Everything is fine." I saw her eyes change. "Just fine? What happened?" Okay I bet if I lied to her about dying she would see right through me. I wouldn't be surprised if her gift would be mind reading when she meets her soulmate. "Nothing really I just got kind of annoyed for no reason." I looked down at my hands. "I bet that if you're annoyed you have a good reason." She replied looking encouragingly. I sighed. I would tell her anyway soon or later. "Just the interviewer was kind of annoying. She only had attention for Jungkook." A laugh erupted through the screen "Somebody is jealous!" she exclaimed. Getting offensive I said "No, I'm not. I just don't like her treating him as a god and the rest not." I continued in a whisper "And Jungkook doesn't even mind." I honestly didn't think she'd hear that. But by the way she started laughing again I guess she did. "Aw, little Alex is in love." That comment made me scrunch my nose. I crossed my arms "Am not." I know I looked childish but at that moment I didn't care. I'm not in love. Love is such a big word. Even though I'm not really sure of anything anymore at this moment that's one thing I do know. 

Love is a beautiful thing but only a few people can get it. Like I love my brothers and I love Faye. But I don't even know Jungkook. Of course the bond makes it feel like I've known him much longer. I can't say I love him. 

"Okay, okay, sure but you are jealous. You can't even dispute that." My cheeks colored a crimson color. Because even though I'm trying not to admit to being jealous I kind of am? I don't know. I haven't been jealous a lot in my life. I used to be jealous of people who's parents always came to school things and supported them. I also used to be jealous of people who have never had a single bad feeling. People whose life is perfect. And I know that no one has such a life but sometimes it does feel like everyone has a picture perfect world. 

"No comment" I replied a slight smile on my face. I heard a loud 'BOOM' at her side of the line and saw her look behind her looking annoyed. "Me and Simon are alone... I'm going to look what he destroyed. Tell Violet and the BTS boys that I said hi." I waved at her and sent her an air kiss before hanging up and just sitting back in my chair. Talking with Faye always seemed to cheer me up. After a few seconds of just sitting and enjoying the warmth that came through the window, combined with the music that was playing I heard the door open beside me. 

I let out a scream because I hadn't heard anyone come to the car so I was kind of startled. Jungkook stood with one foot in the car smirking before leaning in and whispering "I can't wait to hear you scream my name like that." in my ear. My cheeks heated up again. Showcasing a blood red. I don't think you'd see any difference with a tomato. Both red and both round. I just sat there while the others filed into the car. Jimin was the last one and closed the door. sitting next to me. "Are you alright? You look kind of red. You don't have a fever right?" He asked very concerned. I could just nod before realising he had asked to questions and a nod wouldn't really help. I cleared my throat "Yes I'm fine, dandy. And  no I don't have a fever. I rarely ever have a fever even when I don't feel well. But I do, I feel great." I rambled still somewhat flustered. 

"Next stop, soundcheck. Let's go." The tour manager announced to us before leaving to get into another car.

Update, someone pointed out to me that I already have a chapter called crimson... Thanks @Elexisiscool But oh well it's already published so I don't care. I might have to make a list with which colors I've already used...

But since you pointed this out first and because I love your comments, they make me happy I'm going to dedicate this chapter to you. I really love your comments, don't stop.

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