Chapter 7: Green

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The sight I see in front of me can be described by the word: adorable. Faye is curled up on the chair she was given. Her backpack is laying on her knees beneath her head. Her blonde hair slightly covering her face while she's peacefully breathing in and out. She seems to have been asleep for a while. If she saw Jungkook she would've never fallen asleep, she'd be bouncing off the walls with excitement. She must've been exhausted. She had of course been up for almost 24 hours seeing as it was way too late, even for me and I like to stay up late. I could feel the sleep tugging at my own eyelids and seeing her asleep just made me want go and lay next to her. But there are things that have to be done and said. So I lightly shake her trying to wake her up and after a few seconds she slowly opens one eye, then the other. She looks around probably because she forgot where she fell asleep and wondering what she was doing here before realisation seemed to hit her. She rubs her eyes with her hands and looks at me. Blinking twice before saying "Is it my turn to be interviewed?" This made me laugh. "No, that's all right I don't think they need to talk to you." I reply. "Did it go well? Are we free to go? Why did it take so long?" her questions just kept on comming almost making me start laughing again. "Everything turned out alright, but I got to tell you something." I say looking down at my hands again, that seemed to be some kind of nervous habit of mine.

"What's wrong?" Of course she immediately knew something was wrong. Sometimes I think she can read my mind. Maybe she can, maybe she's psychic. That'd be awesome. Maybe one day she will really have that as her gift. You see when soulmates bond there's a possibility of having a gift. My parents for example are able to heal not bonded people with their gift. It never worked to heal their relationship though. Healing is one of the most common gifts there are. Not everyone has a gift, I'd say it's about fifty fifty. But most people try and keep their gifts hidden. As not to have people complain about how unfair it is. Like it wouldn't be fair if someone has an advantage with for example healing and therefore gets a better pay as a doctor or something like that. I don't feel like anything has changed since I met, well more like caught, Jungkook. So we probably won't have any. Not that I wanted a gift. I just thought it might be kind of cool but I don't mind keeping at least some parts of my being normal.

Faye takes my hands in hers and I start with "Well eum..." here we go I guess. "I kind of might have just talked to Jungkook and I might've just agreed to go on tour with him, and oh I kind of might have just soulmate bonded with him" I ramble so fast that I'm not sure she even understood. After she doesn't say anything for a minute I look up at her. She has a shocked look on her face and seems like she had just seen a ghost. Why is she not saying anything? Is she mad? I knew it, she hates me. I don't deserve a friend like her anyway. I start taking my hands back but before I can fully pull them back she pulls on them and suddenly I'm engulfed in a bone crushing hug. "You soulmate bonded?! Omg I'm so happy for you! This is amazing! Why didn't you tell me earlier, you must've known when we were walking to the car right?" I'm too shocked to react and I just stare at her dumbly. Does this mean she doesn't hate me? "Wait, you don't hate me?" I ask a bit uncertain after her unexpected outburst. "Of course not, how could I ever hate you?" she replies smiling at me. And again I decide not to answer her but to go on to the next question "But this was your dream?" "Yes dummy but it's not my destiny. It's yours." then she pauses for a second before giggling "And maybe I get to meet Kim Taehyung this way." she then starts wiggling her eyebrows suggestively. At this I can't help it anymore, I also start laughing hugging her closely.

"Not to ruin this moment, but it's getting pretty late. Maybe we should at least move this to the dressing room so I can put on normal clothes and and get out of these stinky ones." Jungkook interrupts us. I can basically see the hearts in Faye's green eyes. giggling I say "He asks for us to come to the dressing room because he smells bad." I explain knowing she has picked up some words but might not be able to understand it all. "I did not say I smell bad! I smell like a god." Jungkook disputes with a pouty face making me turn my head to look him dead in the eyes "Whatever helps you sleep at night." Then I turned back to Faye still hearing him puff. Faye seems to get a little over her starstruck moment because she turns her gaze to me and asks "Carry me?" giving me puppy dog eyes. "Nope not happening, we know what happened last time we tried that. Come on get your lazy ass up and walk like a normal human being." I retort. "If only I was a normal human being." she dramatically huffs before we both start to laugh again. "Okay Kook, lead the way." I say to Jungkook. He looks up at the nickname, seemingly forgetting the fact I just said he smelled bad. He nods before signaling both of us to follow him. Looking down at Faye I extend my hand and when she takes it we follow Jungkook through a maze of halls. We stop in front of a green door. I see  him looking at mine and Faye's hands and extend my other taking a hold of his before squeezing it. He smiles at me before opening the door.

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