chapter 2: red

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When the doors finally opened it felt like a fight to get inside. There was pushing everywhere. The air was being sucked out of my lungs by people who keep pushing leaving no space for my personal bubble or just to move a hand. Elbows were being thrusted into my ribs. People's whole weight rested on just my one foot. At one point I was so stuck between all these people that my feet didn't even touch the floor anymore and I was just kind of floating. The only landline I had was Faye's hand in mine pulling me through the crowd of people and eventually getting us inside safely and to our first stop. The toilet.

I paid good money for these seats and still we were going to be sitting in the fourth row. Like seriously if I paid this kind of money for any other concert I'd have front row seats and probably also a meet and greet with the artist or band. After Faye got herself some merchandise we went to our row. Which was full...? Some people must have taken our places or something but I ain't having that. No sir, I am a strong, independant woman and I will stand up for what I believe in, in this case getting the seats I paid for. Trying to be as confident as possible I strode towards the two girls sitting in our spots. They both wore Bts merch and were laughing with high annoying voices. They really looked like the cheerleader kind of people in stereotypical teen movies where the cheerlaeders are real B's and don't know their place. "Those are our seats, I'm sorry but you should go back to your own seats, we paid to sit here and you obviously didn't." The left girl stood up eyeing us up and down and crossing her arms in a way that was kind of intimidating. I didn't like it one bit. The other girl just sat there looking our way judgingly. "Well you must be mistaken since these are our seats and we are not going farther back and let you steal our seats. There is security here so if I were you I'd just saunter off quietly." The left girl said.  Some woman  working in security seemed to have seen us bickering because not two seconds later i saw her comming our way. The two girls sat down again glaring. "Is there a problem miss?" came the very polite question from the dark haired, blue eyed woman. "These two girls took our seats and refuse to move" I say gesturing to the two. "Could I see your tickets please?" the woman ,who was according to her name tag called Ann, asked. After receiving the tickets and checking them she asked to see ours as well. "There seems to have been a mishap with the tickets. But I heard there were two seats in the front row who aren't sold is it okay if I give you those?" Ann asked us. Which resulted in Faye's mouth dropping open as she started excitedly jumping up and down saying "yes yes yes!!! this will increase my chance to look jungkook in the eyes!" but it resulted also in the two girls losing their smug smirk and looking rather jealous. Just what they deserve. "That would be great." I answer smiling politely. She gestured us to follow her and led us to two seat not immediately in the middle of the arena but still first row and really close to the stage and to where 'the boys' are going to be 'looking like gods and singing like angels'. Faye's words not mine. The next hour or so we spend laughing about stupid things and about how we got so lucky with our seats. 

After all of this I was actually kind of looking forward to the concert. Just dancing a little and looking at some hot boys, hopefully forgetting about the rest of the world for a second. 

And just then the lights dimmed and people all over the place started screaming and waving with their so called  army bombs. Smoke started comming from the stage together with blasts of fire. Then after an introduction clip on the pannels on either side of the stage suddenly there were seven boys jumping, singing and dancing. Seemingly just appearing on stage. I didn't even see them walk on, did they just jump out of the podium? Not gonna lie they looked really magestic up there. "They're playing dionysus" Faye whispered, bearily audible over the noice comming from both the performance and the screaming fangirls.

While it was an amazing performance I constantly felt some kind of pull. Something out of the ordinary. Something that stopped me from completely forgetting my surroundings and dancing my heart out. Something that seemed to make me even more aware of everything. I was aware of the way my body moved guided by the music. I was aware of Faye's short little screams from excitement. I was aware of the red haired boy looking in my section. I was aware of how his body moved perfectly to every beat and how his voice softened the sound around me. When he sang it was like everyone was holding their breath and just listening to his voice. Like his voice was slowly hypnotising each and everyone of us. Us being the crowd that responded to their singing with screams and hands in the air.

 I should probably quit giving so much crap to Faye about her music. It'll never be my favorite music but I could definitely see myself jamming to it from time to time. Their moves and voices mixed together in a beautiful  chaos and I felt like this could keep on going. 

They had just announced that they were going to play their last song. And that's when it all went wrong. The guy that had kept smiling and looking in my region slipped. He fell right off the stage and by pure instinct I took a step forward and he ended up in my arms. Time stopped moving and I felt chills over my whole body and sparks from where we were touching. That's when I looked up. I finally understood what my parents had been saying for years when you have eye contact with that one person your life changes. I felt the air around me thicking and felt a connection something unbreakable. Something seemingly unreal. 

In mere seconds security was there and pulled him away. The exchange had been so short but felt like ages had passed. Then suddenly he was back on the stage a blur of red hair passing me every so often and I just sat there not caring to dance anymore just sitting down.

Then it was over they were gone and I started wondering if it was daydream wouldn't he have said something. or done something. Something to make me stay. Or at least see me. But he didn't he just went off stage with his bandmates. Was I the only one that realised what just happened. He must've noticed something as well, right?

I didn't even want a soulmate to begin with. So why should I care, I mean he should care but me, I didn't even want one to begin with.

I felt Faye shake my shoulder and looked up suddenly out of my daze. "Let's go" she said cheerfully. " I can't believe you touched jungkook like what the hell my best friend just had a one on one moment with one of the biggest, hottest and richest celebrities of the whole universe. Can you believe it? That was so unreal. I bet he felt sorry for crashing on you though cause he kept looking our way afterwards. Sad point though, he isn't my soulmate. But oh well maybe I'm the one percent that has a different age, Taehyung is still there I didn't have eye contact with him so there's still hope. You know..."  she just kept rambling on. I didn't mind of course she processing what had just happened. I was processing too. should I feel bad that I messed up her one oppurtunity to get with this jungkook guy. I don't think it's a good idea to tell her I just bonded with him. Well at least not yet. Jungkook probably doesn't even care so why tell her there's really nothing going on. And even if he cares if I'd tell her here hundreds of other girls could hear. And since he didn't say anything to me I don't think he'll like it if the whole fandom knew.

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