Chapter 5: White

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He's quiting bts? What? Why? I just saw him perform, he's an amazing artist. He's still super young but already has so much talent and so much experience and still so much more time to grow. He's an inspiration to so many people. And there are still so much more people he can inspire. He already is one of the most famous musicians of all time. 

And he's just gonna give that up? He's gonna give up everything he worked years for, everything he sacrificed so much for. And for what? For me? A dumbass girl he's only known for a handful of minutes? Why in godsname would he do that? 

Part of the reason I didn't want a soulmate was because I didn't want people holding me back. I wanted to be able to make my own decissions and not be obligated to deal with someone elses opinions. But what am I doing now? Now I am the one who's holding him back. What did I do wrong? The plan was simple and clean. If I ever met my soulmate I would just say 'I'm sorry but this is not going to work'. Every time I tried it in my dreams it would work and my soulmate, wether it was a girl or a boy, was always very considerate. But of course in my dreams I could choose what the other said. Why is it that in dreams everything always goes great. But then something happens in real life and I always seem to fuck it up. 

"Why?" I ask uncertain. He has so much going on with his band and now he's stopping? He can't? Can he?

He looks down "I've always dreamed about meeting my soulmate. My parents never met their soulmate. And they're happy together, so I'm glad they have each other. But the one thing they always told me is that true love is the most important thing. I always promised them that if I ever found my soulmate I would do everything to make it work. I would do everything in my might to let her have the most wonderful life. And I'd do everything to make her, you, happy. That includes giving up my brothers. Not that I don't love the guys because I do they're my hyungs but..." his cheecks were colored pink and he looked really passionate while explaining his reasons.

He was willing to give up his life for something that's only decided by fate or destiny or whatever you call it. While I refuse to even give it a chance.

Hearing him talk so passionatly about everything... maybe I should give him a chance. Maybe not everything is as black and white as I think it is. It's not because my parents made a mess of everything that I will do the same right? Or maybe it's just in my genes to be a fuck-up. What reasons do I actually have to stay in Los Angeles? Okay my brother is here and Faye. And I love the city and the atmosphere. But it's not like I would have to say goodbye forever. I can always come back if something goes wrong. And we could still video chat all day long. I also follow online school so that's no reason to stay. If I can bring my laptop then I won't ever need to miss a class and I can continue everything I've originally wished for. The only thing holding me back is myself. And my fear of course. What if we do become like my parents? No, then I'd rather just reject him here and now. But of course there are less cases of soulmates who are unhappy then there are soulmates who have a fairytale ending. 

"But this is your life?" he kept talking after I zoned out and let me thoughts get the best of me so I'm kind of interrupting him. He looks up and smiles as soon as his eyes meet mine. He's too adorable for words, really. He's only just met me but still every time his eyes meet mine his face gets engulfed in a smile. I of course also feel the tingle every time our eyes meet. It feels like every time our eyes meet magic happens. Which technically it kind of does. "BTS is not just my life, it's my family, my past and my present. But  my future will not be BTS, my future is you. There's more to me than being the golden maknae." he replies smoothly. "Wow wow wow. BTS is your future! Without you BTS will not be what it is supposed to be. It won't ever be the same!" I don't really know the band but I do know that bands are supposed to stick together. Like my heart still breaks every single time I think about panic! at the disco. Ryan Ross will always have a special place in my heart. 

This is the most important decision of my life. Should I follow my heart or more specifically my bond. Or should I choose to ignore all of this and send him away? Him staying here is no option. He needs to stay in BTS, he needs to keep performing. And seeing as he's pretty stubborn I doubt he'd let me stay here and continue his tour. So there's only one possible option.

"You won't stop BTS, I won't let you." I took a deep breath and uttered the following words that were going to change my life forever. "So I'll come with you".

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