Chapter 16: Emerald

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I saw Yoongi crossing his arms with a huff, "And suddenly I don't like her anymore." Laughing at that, I looked at the scene unfolding before my eyes. Violet just came through the gate and Yoongi was waiting with open arms. But instead of going up to him she passed him and hugged Alex. Now Yoongi is glaring at Alex and it's so cute. Not Yoongi, Alex I mean. She looks kind of awkward but after a second she hugs back, still akward but less. Violet is screaming from excitement. Making Alex laugh. Her laugh is so amazing. Seeing her laughing makes me want to laugh along, brings a smile to my face and just brings tingles all through my body. Her eyes meet mine and I smile at her. I'm really glad that I found her. And that it's her. I couldn't have asked for anyone greater. I've only known her for a few days but I already like her so much. It's about three am and we've finished playing our show a few hours prior. Tomorrow we also have a show and the same thing for the next few days. I hope this goes fast and we can get to the hotel swiftly. We need our sleep, especially when we're touring and need to be up. Luckily though, because we have two concerts in the same town and we already did our interviews here, we get to sleep longer and only have to be at the venue at two to do soundcheck. Still I'm kind of worried about Yoongi... I don't think he's going to sleep a lot tonight.

When Violet let's go of Alex she comes over to us. She looks at Yoongi's pouty lips and his sad eyes looking down. She giggles kissing his cheek and looking into his eyes trying to get him to forgive her. She might also just say sorry, we wouldn't know. Violet and Yoongi their gift is mindlinking. They can speak to each other and everyone else by thinking of that person and saying what they want to say through their mind. It's really cool. The only sad thing is that we can't react. We can only listen. Then when Yoongi finally starts smiling she kisses him for real this time and turns to me smiling. She comes over and hugs me "Hey, where are the others?". "They stayed in the car. Namjoon said that it would already be dangerous for me and Yoongi to come. Because of paps and all." I told her, explaining the situation. Alex didn't want to come at first. She thought she shouldn't, that it would be a bad idea and that it should just be something between Violet and Suga. 'I don't want to ruin their moment' she had said. She's so thoughtful, even though it isn't necessary at times like these. She shouldn't feel like a burden. She could never be a burden. She could act as annoying as she wants and I'd still love her to pieces. 

You might think it's to early to speak of love. And it is, don't get me wrong. I know if I say I love her now, it's the bond talking and not me. But I also know that in the near future I will be able to say 'I love you' and mean it the fullest without it being just the bond.

And then Alex went to the fitness with Jeongguk. She had noticed that he was a muscle pig and she also wanted to become a muscle pig. They ran a few laps and lifted a few weights and a few days later they had few sex but he didnt want the baby screaming at alex because he didnt want alexie hurt. So he burned the baby.

"What are we waiting for? Let's go!" Violet exclaimed excited, taking Yoongi's hand and running towards the door with one of her suitcases bouncing behind her. Leaving another suitcase and a duffle bag behind for us. 

That's Violet, the complete opposite of Yoongi. She is just as tall as yoongi which makes her pretty tall for a girl, I mean woman. She also isn't asian. She does speak korean. She moved to Korea when she was five for her fathers job. And happened to be in the same school as Yoongi. She has blond short hair with bangs. She has green eyes, and then I don't mean just green, but really a beautiful emerald green color. She has an extremely captivating personality and everyone she meets wants to be her friend. That's also why it wasn't really unexpected that after the first BTS livestream she was in most of the army liked her. Of course you always have the haters but luckily there aren't as much as there are people supporting her. 

I see Alex going over to grab the duffle bag and the suitcase. No way she is going to carry those. I know Vi, she always brings too much. And her baggage always is so heavy. Sometimes I think she just puts bricks in them. I quickly walk towards her taking the suitcase in my hand and extending my hand for her to give me the duffle bag. 

She lets go of the suitcase but starts walking with the duffle bag. "Hey!" I call out to her getting the attention of a few people walking around the airport. I start jogging a bit to catch up to her. "I'll carry them." I tell her again reaching out for her to give me the duffle bag. But instead of just giving me the bag she shrugs turning around and continuing her walk towards the glass sliding doors. "Sharing is caring." She says before reaching the doors. 

Caring? Does that mean she cares for me? Or am I overthinking this? I mean I care for her, a lot. But just I thought she didn't want this? Which I also kind of get, I'm scared too. It just makes me so happy to hear her say that. Even though technically she didn't really say 'I care for you' but I don't know it still makes me smile. 

I see her turn around, waving me to follow her. When we get to the glass sliding doors the van is already waiting for us in front of the airport. Of course we can't get into one van with nine people and two drivers. So the cars are split in two. Namjoon and Jin of course together. Since you know, Namjin.

It was a real shock when they first were introduced to one another. Neither of them thought they were gay. But look at them now. They don't come gayer. Somehow we have been able to keep the fact that they are soulmates a secret from both bighit and army. And sure, some fans think they know that they're soulmates. But then again they ship us all with every other member, even now that Yoongi has made it public that Violet is his soulmate, they still ship Yoonmin and sope. Namjoon and Jin their gift is that they can feel danger when it arises. Like earlier we were all going to go wait for Vi but when Jimin wanted to get out of the car after Alex, Namjoon said "No let them go with three, it's too dangerous if we go with more." Jin nodded meaning he felt it too. 

I haven't told Alex yet. Not because I don't want to tell her, I want to tell her everything. Every simple thought, every stupid joke, every little detail of my life. But for two reasons I haven't told her. 1) I believe it's wrong to out them, I think they have to tell her when they're ready and thrust her fully and 2) When Jin wanted to tell her at the restaurant yesterday he felt that it wasn't safe, I saw the look in his eyes. Now I'm scared Alex might be a homophobe. Why else would it be dangerous? I really hope she's not. These boys have practically raised me. I want her to accept them like she would accept my bloodrelated family. 

We're sharing a car with Violet, Yoongi and Hoseok. The others are in the other car already to the hotel. I'm so tired I just put my head back and fell asleep almost two seconds later.

For clarity 

A/N: Btw the cursive text is my friend who's also reading this. I had to go to the toilet and was like fix it, since I was kind of struggling. That's what she made of it, what do you think? Should I follow her storyline? She's thinking about writing a book herself, when she does I'll link it here, check her out!

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