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(  two, his name.  )


it was already half past midnight, and minamoto kou is still stuck at the second last question of his assignment sheet that contains yet another (hard in his perspective) problem about quadratic equations. it was already half past midnight and minamoto kou's brain cells are already long asleep.

the blonde's head was rested on one of his palms, while the other one holds his mechanical pencil and twirls it around, thinking he could join gymnastics since he's that good at twirling pencil or pen or whatever. he let out a loud sigh escape his mouth — one that can be heard even if you're at least ten feet away from him. his eyes fell on the alarm clock, showing the current time. he gently rubbed his eyes, then stretched both his arms, and breathe. he put on a motivated expression, stopped twirling his mechanical pen, straighten his seating, and readied himself to (finally) answer the problem he refused to answer for about thirty minutes.

later, he found himself doodling random things and scribbling random words — there were a few smileys and frowning faces, a doodle of cats and dogs, a random quote he got from the movie he watched last week because somehow he remembers it well even if it's not even close to being an inspiring quote, and of course, his name in the different fonts he can come up with even if it all looks the same to others and is still one messy handwriting overall.

he soon realized what he has been doodling this time, he paused, staring at the messy doodle he just drew — it was a doodle of none other than the pink-haired boy he once met in his dream just about three days ago. the doodle didn't even closely look like the said boy, but regardless of that, it was still him, and that's all that's matters. he wrote the katakana "ミ" (mi) and gazed at the character with a puzzled look — one you put on when you're deep solving a certain problem. "mi" he reads. "... misao? miyazaki? mitsuo?" he tried to come up with different names starting with "mi" for the possibilities of solving the pink head's name since he was unfortunately cut off before he even got the chance to give the blonde his complete name.

he shook his head, trying to think of some more possible names. at this point, kou is much more interested and focused on trying to find the name of the boy he met in his dream than the quadratic equation problem that was due later and should be his main priority over the finding-name-solving problem.

defeated, because a.) if one of the names he came up with or thought of ended up being the pink head's name, he will not know because b.) he met the pink-haired in his dreams and c.) that was likely just a one time dream and likely for the boy to truly not exist in reality.

he organized his assignment sheet, and cleanly shove it into his school bag that was lying on the floor just moments ago. he took one final look at the alarm clock before he switches off the lights and finally made his way towards his beloved, fluffy, comfortable bed.

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