Coming Out Of The Dark

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It was nearly midnight when Jessica was walking home getting back from work. After she did numerous amounts of jobs in the past, she finally decided to work in a newspaper editor and she was an advice columnist. It was the 31’st December. There was no one on the streets as everybody was home enjoying the celebrations of new year. ’Jessica, wait!’, it was Nicholas , her boss, a 35 year old man who lost his wife in an accident 6 years ago .It took him a lot of time to get over it and Jessica had been of an incredible support for him. ‘I’m just going home right now, do you want me to give you a ride?’ asked Nicholas. ‘No ,but thank you. Happy new year in advance.’ Jessica was a woman with a deep mind. It seemed like she could read and sense how you were feeling just with her emerald eyes watching you. ‘Same to you .Get home safe’, replied Nicholas before he went back in the direction of his car. In this dark alley of Montreal, Jessica was walking quickly to get home to be able to watch the beautiful fireworks at midnight. It was so dark that she couldn’t see anything on the streets. Thinking that at this time there was no cars, she quickly tried to cross the road. Just as she was in the middle of the streets , she saw a car with its full flash on coming to her direction. She was paralyzed with fear and she couldn’t move at all. The car came in its full speed and hit Jessica. The midnight bells rang and everything went by so quick. The emergencies came and took Jessica which was losing too much blood and the police was here to do an alcohol test with the drivers that turned out to be positive. Jessica was battling between life and death .She was trying to hold on for something. But for what? Who was she?

Her name is Jessica Johnson and this is her story.

Coming out of the dark

Chapter one

-Wake Up Jessica

-Wake up Sam

It was eight in the morning and it was a usual morning in the Johnson household. Martha Johnson, a 45 year old single mother, was struggling to wake up her daughters. She worked as a cashier at the dream price supermarket. She was a simple woman who enjoyed the little pleasures of life. At 45,she was a single mother doing her best to make sure that her girls were happy. Since the disappearance of her husband Joe, she never got into another relationship. She only focused herself on doing what’s best for her two daughters. Sometimes, she wished that she could have had Joe back and to tell him how much she loved him before he disappeared but she was a firm believer that everything happens for a reason and that was what made her the happy ,friendly and strong woman that she is. At eight, she was waking up the girls to go to church like every Sundays as they were really a religious family. Sam was 8 years old and she was the joyful and playful member of the family. At her small age, she had gone through so much and yet she managed to keep her happiness and loving nature. She was four when she lost her dad and it was obviously the most difficult moment of her whole life but it was ,in fact, the most difficult moment ever for all of them. Her sister Jessica was 14. She was such a mature and intelligent young lady. She was so young too but she was and acted like a grown up adult. She was always here to help her mom in any ways even financially as she was doing some babysitting work with her neighbor, Emily two year old, from which she got some money which was helpful for her little family. The three of them had always been so close since Joe’s disappearance and they still miss him so much but they were at the same time so strong and happy all the time. They would be always be friendly with anyone. You would never know how much they went through because they never show that they are sad but only show their happiness.

Jessica had to go babysit Emily before church as her parents had an urgent family reunion to go to and Martha had to go to the supermarket to buy some groceries. She took Sam with her and quickly went to the supermarket in their old rusty car that they loved. It was nine thirty and they had not come back yet. Jessica was confused as the supermarket was close to their house and she was starting to get really worried about it. Then, at ten she received a call from the police. ‘Miss Johnson’ ‘It’s me’, Jessica replied being anxious, ‘ I have terrible news for you. Your mom and your sister had a deadly car cash on Winston street today and both of them did not make it. I am so sorry’.

Everything turned black for Jessica. Her mother and her sister were gone forever. Both of them were dead. What will happen to her? What will she do? She sat there and cried all day long. She was destroyed. She felt dead inside. No one was here for her anymore.

Chapter two

Two days later, there was the funeral of Martha and Sam. Few people came by to give their sympathy to Jessica and it lasted for some hours only. Jessica was pale, devastated and lost five pounds as she was barely eating and was not sleeping at all. She was staying at her neighbor’s house, mrs Georgia, who was the mother of Emily. She was a really great friend of Martha and she was deeply hurt from the death of one of her closest friends. Jessica sat on a couch in her eyes throughout the whole ceremony without saying anything or crying. She cried all the tears she could. She showed a depressive face expression constantly and Georgia had to force her to eat something. All of her happiness, her joy, her love of life was vanished since the two more important person of her lives died. She had never felt so much loneliness, so much sadness, so much darkness around her. At 14 years old she lost the love of her dad; the caring nature of her mom and the joy of being a big sister. She was left on her own with no one to support her. If she will get married, no one would be here to walk her down the aisle. If she get children, she will never show her mother her grandkids. If she gets a job she’s proud of her, she would never be able to feel how proud her parents would have been of her. All of these thoughts starting to haunt her. She couldn’t sleep. Every time she closes her eyes, she sees the smile of her little sister. She remembers the hugs of her mother. She gets flashback of playing football with her father. She couldn’t handle the fact that she was on her own. She did not feel ready yet to go and face the world alone. She wanted and needed her family. Unfortunately, she would never feel their love again. 

It was eight o’clock in the night when everyone finally left. She took some clothes and went to Georgia’s house. She took a shower and went straight to bed but unfortunately, it was for nothing again and she had another sleepless night. She fixed the roof and she lost it. She started crying and she kept crying for countless hours. She was desperate, devastated and broken from the inside. Everything was wrong for her. Why her? What have she done to deserve this?. She did not know why . She spent the whole night crying and thinking of her dead family. 

The next day, Georgia called her downstairs at seven as someone was here to see her. It was a police officer, Mr Jack. “Hi Jessica” he said. She said good morning and was utterly confused. Who was he and what did he want? “I’ve got some news for you. Since you are not 18 yet and that there’s no one who is related to you here, you are going to be sent to your grandmother Rosa in California. Jessica didn’t have words. She didn’t know that she had a grandmother. Who was her? How will she treat her? Why did Jessica never heard of her? What was going to happen?

Next chapter out soon.

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